Fall 2021


  • 1. Kunal Manoj Gossain, Mark Lavin, and Mena Shalaby
        (kgossain at sfu.ca, lavin at sfu.ca, menas at sfu.ca)

    Investigating Cyber Security Protocols at Local Public Wi-Fi Networks

    Public wireless networks known as public hotspots have made connectivity easier and free for users in locations such as airports, libraries, and coffee shops. However, easy access creates a security concern of data leakage to malicious users which use the process of sniffing packets. This technique uses a software application to capture all data packets passing through a hotspot in a public domain that can contain financial statements, passwords, and personal information. The standard protocol used for wireless local area networks (WLAN) is IEEE 802.11 framework which can be split into two categories, security and delivery. The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the security effectiveness of the WLAN 802.11 framework and evaluate the type of information thieves can intercept. Understanding the process will allow users to take stronger precautions to protect vital information in public spaces.

    The experiment analyzes 802.11 WLAN security level on HTTP servers using Riverbed simulations. The scenarios will consist of a network of users connected to an access point with one malicious user capturing the packets. The first scenario will consist of no security measures, the next will include the protocol for comparison. In addition, Wireshark will be used to demonstrate the packet data and the information that is leaked by websites.

    [1] R. Tuli, “Packet Sniffing and Sniffing Detection,” in International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, vol. 16, no. 1, April 2020. [Online]. Available: http://ijiet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/4.pdf
    [2] J. Nixon, and R. Tola, “Analyzing Wireless Local Area Network Traffic Authentication Delay in Different Metric to Improve Its Performance,” in International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 11, no. 6, Dec. 2019. [Online]. Available: http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse105862019.pdf
    [3] N. Cheng, X. Wang, W. Cheng, P. Mohapatra, A. Seneviratne, “Characterizing Privacy Leakage of Public WiFi Networks for Users on Travel,” in ProceedinGs – IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 2769-2777, Apr. 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261060472_Characterizing_privacy_leakage_of_public_WiFi_networks_for_users_on_travel
    [4] Li, Y., Barthelemy, J., Sun, S., Perez, P., & Moran, B. (2020). A Case Study of WiFi Sniffing Performance Evaluation. IEEE Access, 8, 129224–129235. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3008533
    [5] S. Ansari, S. G. Rajeev and H. S. Chandrashekar, "Packet sniffing: a brief introduction," in IEEE Potentials, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 17-19, Dec. 2002-Jan. 2003, doi: 10.1109/MP.2002.1166620.

  • 2. Eric Sunmin (Eric) Kim and Iyiola Emmanuel (Emmanuel) Komolafe
        (sunmink@sfu.ca, ikomolaf@sfu.ca)

    Simulation of Distributed DOS attacks in the Wi-Fi Environments

    The exponential advancement in the internet technologies in 21th century has not only brought convenience and efficiency in the daily life but more importantly, guaranteed the interconnected global society via web service. Paradoxically, it is because of this form of advancement, cybersecurity is now a huge threat to everyone and causing massive financial and sometimes physical damages to various servers. Denial of Service (Dos) attacks have now become a common form of attack that is a massive threat to modern day internet. Especially, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack controls multiple sources and blast traffic simultaneously to the target therefore interrupting or suspending services of the host connected to the Internet. This form of attacks are more hidden, which makes it more difficult to detect and defend against than a simple DoS attack form a single host. in the report, the general overview of DDoS attacks will be addressed and simulated on Wi-fi environment to observe the effect of DDoS on a client-server.

    1. What is a distributed denial-of-service (ddos) attack ... (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2021, from https://www.cloudflare.com/en-ca/learning/ddos/what-is-a-ddos-attack/.
    2. "What is DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service? Webopedia", Webopedia.com, 2017. [Online]. Available: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/D/DDoS_attack.html. [Accessed: 15- Oct- 2021].
    3. What is a distributed denial-of-service (ddos) attack ... (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2021, from https://www.cloudflare.com/en-ca/learning/ddos/what-is-a-ddos-attack/.
    4. DDoS: Detect and mitigate attacks with steelcentral NetProfiler. Riverbed Blog. (2019, January 9). Retrieved October 16, 2021, from https://www.riverbed.com/blogs/ddos-detect-mitigate-attacks-steelcentral-netprofiler.html.
    5. DDoS quick guide - CISA. (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2021, from https://us-cert.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/DDoS%20Quick%20Guide.pdf.

  • 3. Brayden James (Brayden) McKeen
        (bmckeen at sfu.ca)

    Comparison of Different Communications Protocols for Remotely Controlling Electronics Test Equipment



  • 4. Jiyeong Jeong, Benjamin Patrick (Benjamin) Martin, and Takunda Lester (Takunda) Mwinjilo,
        (jiyeongj at sfu.ca, bpmartin at sfu.ca, tmwinjil at sfu.ca)

    TCP Goodput and File Transfer Times for Large File Sizes Through Wireless Vs. Ethernet Channels

    In recent years, cloud computing has become an attractive option due to its scalability and low initial overhead. As computer vision projects continue to spread with the popularization of easy to train neural networks such as YOLOv4 (you only look once), video can be captured with entry-level experience, and uploaded to cloud processing servers with GPUs (graphics processing units) where video processing can occur. However, these video files should not be streamed with the traditional unreliable data transfer of UDP (user defined protocol) without reliability and congestion control added in the application layer as losses are not tolerable in preprocessed data. This project seeks to test the trade-off between goodput/transfer time and physical client mobility when transferring large files in varying chunk sizes and distances utilizing TCP (transfer control protocol). To simulate the experiments, ns-3 will be used for nodes, Wi-FI (wireless fidelity) 802.11a channels, point to point ethernet channels, and tracing TCP file transfers through sockets. We will also use wireshark to determine an average packet size while uploading a real world video to estimate an average packet size to use during the simulations.

    [1] D. Duchamp and N. Reynolds, "Measured Performance of a Wireless LAN", LCN, pp. 494-499, 1992. [Accessed 15 October 2021].
    [2] N. Islam, C. C. Bawn, J. Hasan, A. I. Swapna, and M. S. Rahman, “Quality of service analysis of ethernet network based on packet size,” Journal of Computer and Communications, 18-Mar-2016. [Online]. Available: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=65356. [Accessed: 15-Oct-2021].
    [3] Y. Peng, H. Wu, K. Long and S. Cheng, "Simulation analysis of TCP performance on IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN," 2001 International Conferences on Info-Tech and Info-Net. Proceedings (Cat. No.01EX479), 2001, pp. 520-525 vol.2, doi: 10.1109/ICII.2001.983631.
    [4] Y. Shui “Networking for big data,” Google Books, pp. 139-158. [Online]. Available: https://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=X2BECgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA139&dq=ftp%2Blan%2Bethernet%2Bpacket%2Bloss%2Bspeed&ots=tlHrBMCqhd&sig=5_ZGSxGaMOCbdqsv6rlRG6OvK24#v=onepage&q&f=false. [Accessed: 15-Oct-2021].
    [5] J. A. R. P. de Carvalho, H. Veiga, P. A. J. Gomes, C. F. R. Pacheco, N. Marques, and A. D. Reis, ‘WI-FI Point-to-Point Links: Performance Aspects of IEEE 802.11a, b, g Laboratory Links’, in Electronic Engineering and Computing Technology, S.-I. Ao and L. Gelman, Eds. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010, pp. 507–514. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-8776-8_43.
    [6] P. Das, B. Purkayastha and A. Debnath, "Large Size File Transfer over Wireless Environment", 2010 Second International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 2010. Available: 10.1109/iccea.2010.281 [Accessed 15 October 2021].

  • 5. Jaskirat Singh (Jaskirat) Arora, Michael Alexander (Michael) Kim, and Tae Ho (Martin) Yang
        (jsarora at sfu.ca, makim at sfu.ca, yangtaey at sfu.ca)

    Simulating GPS Networks Performance with Moving Satellites

    Abstract: The Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite network was developed by the U.S. Department of Defense and made openly available to the public on September 16, 1983. GPS has been fundamental in accelerating the growth of the human race by allowing accurate real-time positional data on the Earth. Navigation of all forms was positively affected, and sectors not directly related to navigation can still greatly benefit [4]. The NMEA-0183 protocol is used to transmit data from a GPS antenna to receivers [2][3]. We aim to create a simulation model of the current GPS system and compare it to real world results.

    [1] B. Eissfeller et al. "Performance of GPS, GLONASS and Galileo", Photogrammetric Week, 2007, pp.185-199, [Online]. Available: https://ifpwww.ifp.uni-stuttgart.de/publications/phowo07/220Eissfeller.pdf
    [2] "GPS: The Global Positioning System", GPS.gov. https://www.gps.gov/systems/gps/space/ (Accessed Oct. 14, 2021).
    [3] "NMEA 0183 Standard" , NMEA.org. https://www.nmea.org/content/STANDARDS/NMEA_0183_Standard
    [4] "GPS and GIS Technology", Learnz.org.nz. https://learnz.org.nz/highcountry152/gps-and-gis-technology (Accessed Oct. 14, 2021).
    [5] B. J. Barritt, "The Modeling, Simulation, and Operational Control of Aerospace Communication Networks", 2017, [Online], Available: https://etd.ohiolink.edu/apexprod/rws_etd/send_file/send?accession=case1499348546519051&disposition=inline

  • 6. Chen (Jerry) Fu and Guangxiang (Nathaniel) Huang
        (fuchenf at sfu.ca, gha32 at sfu.ca)

    DDOS Attack on Wireless Network

    Abstract: The ever-evolving Internet proves to be crucial in our daily life, as most industries depend on its existence. Increasing along with the internet's development is the occurrence of more and more advanced network attacks. The most common one is the DDoS(distributed denial-of-service attack). By simulation, the behavior of DDoS can be studied to learn the optimal method in preventing DDOS attacks. This project is purposed to simulate a DDOS attack with ns-3 software by using the YansWifiChannelHelper module; observe the effects of the attackers' number variation and channel capacity on the strength of the DDOS attack.

    [1] L. A. Mohammed and B. Issac, "Detailed DoS Attacks in Wireless Networks and Countermeasures," ResearchGate, Jan-2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220277419_Detailed_DoS_Attacks_in_Wireless_Networks_and_Countermeasures. [Accessed: 23-Oct-2021].
    [2] A. Lawrence, "A Survey of Denial of Service Attacks and it's Countermeasures on Wireless Network," ResearchGate, Aug-2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/49965401_A_Survey_of_Denial_of_Service_Attacks_and_it's_Countermeasures_on_Wireless_Network. [Accessed: 23-Oct-2021].
    [3] P. N. Jani, "DoS Attacks in Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey," IJSRD, 2014. [Online]. Available: http://www.ijsrd.com/articles/IJSRDV1I11013.pdf. [Accessed: 23-Oct-2021].
    [4] S. Kulkarni, A. Mali, and D. Yerate, "A survey on Denial of Service (DoS) attack on wireless network," IJISET, 2016. [Online]. Available: http://ijiset.com/vol3/v3s2/IJISET_V3_I2_05.pdf. [Accessed: 23-Oct-2021].
    [5] A. Fragkiadakis, I. Askoxylakis, and P. Chatziadam, "Denial-of-Service Attacks in Wireless Networks Using Off-the-Shelf Hardware," Springer Link, 2014. [Online]. Available: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-319-07788-8_40.pdf. [Accessed: 23-Oct-2021].

  • 7. Justin Ryan (Justin) Naorbe and Gurmesh Shergill
        (jnaorbe at sfu.ca, gshergil at sfu.ca)

    Analysis of Quality of Service of Zoom over WiFi and LTE

    The world has shifted over the last two years as COVID-19 has forced people to work from home and communicate virtually. This has increased the dependence on video conferencing software such as Zoom and has made having a strong internet connection essential. Sometimes a strong WiFi network is not available or the connection has low throughput, thus people then have to use their cellular data connection. This project aims to measure and compare the Quality of Service (QoS) of Zoom on a home WiFi network with that on a cellular LTE network.

    [1] Y. C. Sung and Y.-H. Yang, “Challenges from voice-over-LTE to video-over-LTE,” The 16th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2014. [2] U. Bulkan and T. Dagiuklas, “Predicting quality of experience for online video service provisioning,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 78, no. 13, pp. 18787–18811, 2019.
    [3] C. Fernández, J. Saldana, J. Fernández-Navajas, L. Sequeira, and L. Casadesus, “Video conferences through the internet: How to survive in a hostile environment,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, pp. 1–13, 2014.
    [4] R. Bernardini, M. Durigon, R. Rinaldo, P. Zontone, and A. Vitali, “Real-time multiple description video streaming over QoS-based wireless networks,” 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2007.
    [5] A. Fouda, A. N. Ragab, A. A. Esswie, and M. Marzban, Real-Time Video Streaming over NS3-based Emulated LTE Networks, May 2014.

    Last modified: Sun 14 Nov 2021 00:09:08 PST.