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MTH 207 Lab Lesson 16

Maple Procedures

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Procedure Syntax


Maple allows us to create our own functions through the use of the Maple proc keyword.

The syntax is:

proc (< argseq >) [local < nseq >; global < nseq >;]
< statement sequence >

[ ] indicates optional parameters.

If variables are not declared explicitly as local or global in the preamble, the following rules are used to determine whether a variable is local or global:

It is good programming practice to explicitly declare variables as local or global in the preamble, as this avoids spurious errors and makes the procedure easier to understand.


proc is usually used in conjunction with the RETURN keyword. Note the capitals.

The syntax is:

RETURN([ < expression >, < expression >, ... ] );

This will terminate execution of the procedure and return the value of the expression's.


We will first try a simple procedure which returns sqrt(x) if x is positive or 0 and an explicit FAIL if x < 0.

> f := proc(x)
> if x >= 0 then RETURN(sqrt(x)); else RETURN(FAIL); fi
> end;
Note how we assign a name 'f ' to the procedure using the assignment operator :=.

We may now call the procedure, using the name f assigned to it, as we would any function. The arguments of the function will be the arguments of the procedure.
> f(2);
> evalf(f(2));
> f(-1);
> f(x);
Notice that the last case returns an error since Maple can't decide whether the unassigned variable name x is negative or not.

For a more complex example we will write a procedure which generates a sequence of points (x, f (x)), around a given point, a, as in lesson 9. This procedure will use the global vairiable numpoints to indicate how many points to process.
> points := proc(f, a) local g, p, i; global numpoints;
> g := (x -> ((-1)^x*10^(-x))) + a;
> p := [[g(i), evalf((f@g)(i))] $ i = 1..numpoints];
> RETURN(p);
> end;

We can now call the function, and use it in any way we would normally use its output, an ordered set of points.
> numpoints := 10;
> points(x -> x^2, 1);
> f := x -> x/2;
> plot(points(f, 1), style=point);
Note that we had to set the value of numpoints globally first.

f and a are the arguments to the function and are supplied at run time by the calling routine.
The local and global declarations are, strictly speaking, unecessary. This is because the local variables g and p are assigned values within the procedure, and so are local by default, whereas i is the controling variable of a loop.
The global variable numpoints is not in either of these catagories and so is global by default.
Try running the routine with numpoints not set to any value, why might this be useful?

The syntax of the assignment of g is somewhat convoluted:
g := (x -> ((-1)^x*10^(-x))) + a;
This is because of a bug (feature?) of Maple. If we use the more normal assignment
g := x -> (-1)^x*10^(-x) + a;
Maple does not evaluate a as the local parameter, but rather uses the global value of a.

Since g, p and i are local they have no existence outside of the procedure. Thus if we want to record the outpout (p) we must assign the result of the procedure to a global variable name, q in this example.
> q := points(x->x/2,2);
> p;
> i;
> g;
> q;
Note that none of g, p or i have any value set.

On the other hand any global value of these variables will have no affect on the procedure:
> g := 2;
> i := x -> x^47;
> p := 342;
> points(x->x/2,2);
> p;
> i;
> g;

Data Typing

The points example given above is still very fragile, it is very easy to generate errors. For example suppose we mix up the order of f and a.
> points(2, x -> x^2);

This generates an error due to incorrect data typing. Things can get even worse if incorrect data typing generates an incorrect answer, rather than an error. Suppose we incorrectly pass an expression rather than a function.
> points(x^2, 2);
This produces an incorrect answer.

Conveniantly Maple provides an easy way to do data typing in procedures. The arguments to a procedure may be given a specific data type. If any of these variables is then assigned an incorrect type Maple generates a (trappable) error of the form:
Error, procedure name expects its 1st argument, arg1, to be of type type1, but received type2
Of course if you trap the error you can provide your own error handling. (see Maple help on procedure and traperror).

The syntax for declaring a variable to be of a given data type is in the declaration is:

variable name :: data type

Maple accepts a wide range of data types, take the link to see some of them.

For example in our procedure above we could type f as an operator and a as type numeric.
> points := proc(f::operator, a::numeric) local g, p, i; global numpoints;
> g := (x -> ((-1)^x*10^(-x))) + a;
> p := [[g(i), evalf((f@g)(i))] $ i = 1..numpoints];
> RETURN(p);
> end;

Now try our new, more robust, procedure.
> points(x -> x^2, 2);
> points(2, x -> x^2);
> points(x^2, 2);

The Type Keyword

You can check the type of an expression using the Maple type keyword. The syntax is:
type(expression, type)
type returns a boolean value, either true or false. For example
> f := x -> x^2;
> type(f, operator);
> type(f, function);
> type(f, numeric);
> type(14/64, rational);
> type(14/64, float);
> type(evalf(14/64), float);
> type(14/64, numeric);

We can use type to improve our original sqrt example.
>f := proc(x)
> if type(x, numeric) then
>if x >= 0 then
> RETURN(sqrt(x));
This procedure checks to see if x is a numeric value, if it is the procedure acts as before, returning sqrt or FAIL. If x is not numeric the procedure returns the expression sqrt(x).

> f(2);
> f(-1);
> f(x);
> diff(f(x), x);
In the last case we see that Maple is even smart enough to differentiate the proceduraly defined expression f. This is because the diff function calls the porcedure to find the value of f, and was able to work with this value (sqrt(x)). Of course if f did not return a valid expression diff would still fail.

  1. Write a Maple procedure, Bisect which implements the Bisection Method.
    Inputs should be a function, and two starting values. Make sure that these are valid starting values at the beginnning of the function, return FAIL if they are not. Your routine should include data typing.
  2. Write a Maple procedure Newton which implements Newton's Method.
  3. Write a Maple procedure FixedP which implements Fixed point iteratioin
  4. Write a procedure, plottgt, which accepts a function and a point as input and plots the function together with its tangent line at that point.

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Maintained by: P. Danziger, March 1998