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Monica Perracini, PT, PhD

Monica Perracini is full professor and director of the Physical Therapy’s master of science program as well as of the Physical Therapy’s graduation program at the Universidade Cidade de Sao Paulo (UNICID).

In 1992, sponsored by the British Council, she attended the Short Course “Implications of Ageing” in London. She took her master of science degree at the Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP), where she carried out a study concerning the conceptualization of the multidemensional tasks performed by highly dependent older adults caregivers’ . Between 1991 and 1998 she took part on a research project entitled EPIDOSO at the Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) as one of the investigators. It was a longitudinal study encompassing a cohort of community-dwelling elders living in the city of Sao Paulo. This study conducted a follow up of 1,667 elderly people compromised primarily in two waves. A randomly selected sub sample, stratified by age and gender, was continuously assessed on an outpatient basis by a multidisciplinary team. Perracini coordinated the rehabilitation team approach for these patients. She studied the risk factors and predictors for falls as well as the fallers profile within this cohort as part of her doctoral program.

Perracini is currently interested in researching balance disorders and instability assessment in the elderly by performing functional balance tests and stabilometry on the community–dwelling elders, on institutionalized frail elders and more specifically on dizzy patients. Her major purposes are to determine physical and functional performance measures as fall predictors that can be used on a populational basis, and risk profiles that can be used to identify the elder that may receive a target intervention to prevent falls. Some of her students are studying the decline of functional capacity and frailty.

She is also developing a thematic network focusing on the issue of falls prevention and the study of balance and postural control amongst elderly people on the basis of European ProFaNe along w ith other Brazilian researchers.

Recent Publications

SIQUEIRA, Ana Barros, CORDEIRO, Renata Cereda, PERRACINI, Monica Rodrigues, RAMOS, Luiz Roberto. Functional Impact upon hospitalized older patients . Revista de Saúde Pública. São Paulo: v.38, n.5, p.687 - 694, 2004.

NOVA, Isabela Costa, PERRACINI, Monica Rodrigues, FERRAZ, Henrique Balalaia.
Levodopa effect upon functional balance of Parkinson's disease patients. Elsevier Science B. V.. , v.10, n.7, p.411 - 415, 2004

GANANÇA, Fernando de Freitas, CAVALLI, Silvia Sper, GAZZOLA, Juliana Maria, PERRACINI, Monica Rodrigues. Are falls a good predictor of health - Related quality of life in dizzy elderly? In: Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, 2004, New York. Abstracts. , 2004. p.P158

GAZZOLA, Juliana Maria, MUCHALE, Sabrina S M, PERRACINI, Monica Rodrigues, CORDEIRO, Renata Cereda, RAMOS, Luiz Roberto. Functional Caracterization of balance among elders followed up in an outpatient rehabilitation facility . Revista de Fisioterapia da Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo: , v.1, n.1, p.1 - 14, 2004.

FERRER, Michele L P, PERRACINI, Monica Rodrigues, RAMOS, Luiz Roberto.
Prevalence of environmental factors associated to falls in community-dwelling older adults in São Paulo .Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia. São Paulo: , v.8, n.2, p.149 - 154, 2004.

PERRACINI , Monica Rodrigues, RAMOS, Luiz Roberto.
Fall related factors among community-dwelling older adults . Revista de Saúde Pública. São Paulo: , v.36, n.6, p.709 - 716, 2002.

RAMOS, Luiz Roberto, TONIOLO NETO, João, CENDOROGLO, Mays a Seabra, GARCIA, Jaqueline T, NAJAS, Myrian, PERRACINI, Monica Rodrigues.
Two-year follow-up study of elderly residents in S. Paulo, Brazil: methodology and preliminary results. Revista de Saúde Pública. São Paulo: , v.32, n.5, p.397 - 407, 1998.

Significance and management of disability among urban elderly residents in Brazil. Journal Of Cross Cultural Gerontology, v.8, p.313 - 323, 1993.