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IAG Events & Initiatives

IAG World Congress of Gerontology
The World Congress of Gerontology is a major vehicle through which the IAG achieves its objectives. Held every four years, internationally recognized experts in gerontology share their knowledge and experience through plenary presentations, invited symposia, paper and poster sessions. The most recent Congress, the 18th World Congress of Gerontology was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from June 26 to 30, 2005.

The previous World Congress was held in Vancouver Canada in July 2001 and attracted 4,086 people from 75 countries. It featured a four-day Continuing Medical Education program, a Creative Aging through the Arts stream, satellite symposia, site visits, an exhibition and trade show, an exciting social program and over a dozen pre-and post Congress educational events. Copies of the program and the 718-page Book of Abstracts may be found at the website http://www.harbour.sfu.ca/iag.

World Congress 2009 and 2013
The next IAG World Congress of Gerontology (19th) will take place in the European Region, at the Palais des Congres, Porte Maillot, Paris France. Dates are July 5-10, 2009.

The 20th World Congress of Gerontology will be held in Seoul, Korea in 2013.  

Previous World Congresses
Click here for a historical list of IAG World Congress host cities and countries (includes numbers in attendance, number of countries represented and IAG Presidents).

For more detailed historical information about IAG Congresses and the history of the organization see:

  • Shock, N.W. & Baker, G.T. (1988). The International Association of Gerontology: A Chronicle --1950 to 1986. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
  • Orimo, H. (2000). History of IAG. Special Lecture presented at the 2000 general assembly of the Japan Gerontological Society . Tokyo:Medical Review Co., Ltd.