Interactive Arts and Technology Student Union


Room 3380
SFU Surrey
13450 102 Ave.
Surrey BC V3T 5X3

© 2003-2010 IATSU

IATSU By-Elections 2010/2011 - Candidates



Diana's Picture

Hi! I’m Diana Luong and I am a soon to be third year SIAT student who is running for the position of treasurer. In my previous two years of university I have been given the chance to help out in the Surrey Campus Committee as the At-Large Representative as well as IATSU as the secretary. With these positions as well as my classes and other volunteer positions, I have learnt a great deal about SIAT and our campus. I’ve learnt that being involved benefits not only our school and other students but helps make my own university experience a lot more enjoyable. Being a major part in IATSU this last semester was a lot of fun and I felt that we were able to really improve and build IATSU. I want to continue to help IATSU in fully representing the SIAT students.

Diana Luong

SFSS Forum Representative


Hello all,

So first off, I'm Kyle Jung, a senior student in the New Media Environments stream in SIAT. For those of you who don't know, that's from the BetaSpace era. Yeah, I've been around for a while.

I'm currently finishing up my second year on the IATSU executive as the current Vice President of Operations and SFSS Forum Representative. I was formerly the Vice President of Activities. I am also an At-Large Representative on the Surrey Campus Committee (SCC). I just received Silver level Student Ambassador certification, and I am a Veteran  Orientation leader.

I am running for re-election to the position of Forum Representative. Over the past year, I have been one of the more vocal Forum Reps on Forum.

Quick overview of Forum (
- Act as an advocate for students' rights
- Bring students' needs and priorities to the attention of Forum
- Have a say in budgeting and administering SFSS student fees
- Work with the University administration
- Engage in dialogue with students from all other disciplines at the university
- Advise the elected SFSS Board of Directors as necessary

I sit on two committees as part of my role as your Forum Representative, the Financial and Administrative Services Committee (FASC), and the Student Space Oversight Committee. On Space, I work to get more space for Surrey students, which also falls in line with my role on the SCC. This benefits the Surrey community, which in turn benefits you, the IATSU constituents. On FASC, I work to make sure that IATSU needs are heard. We are one small Departmental Student Union (DSU) in Surrey, and Burnaby has a tendency to forget us at times. I have worked to ensure that IATSU keeps its funding through the budget crunch.

I've worked hard to make sure IATSU doesn't fall off the radar, and if re-elected, I will strive to keep IATSU a strong DSU within the umbrella of the SFSS

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