Kelsey Wrightson

Kelsey Wrightson

PhD, Political Science 

Kelsey Wrightson is from Edmonton, Alberta. She completed her PhD in Political Science at the University of British Columbia in 2015. She researched how museums and material culture support the political and cultural self-determination of First Nations in Canada. She examined “De T’a Hoti Ts’eeda: We Live Securely from the Land,” a collaboration between the Tlicho Nation, National Museums Scotland, and the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, as an example of a “nation-to-nation” relationship.

She also has a B.A in Political Science and an M.A in Cultural, Social and Political Thought from the University of Victoria, in which she compared the negotiation of Treaty Six (1876) and the current Treaty process in British Columbia.

She is continuing to research Indigenous peoples' arts and practices of sovereignty.


Wrightson, Kelsey. 2015. Shattering glass boxes: museums and Dene resurgence against the colonial politics of recognition. University of British Columbia PhD Thesis, Department of Political Science.

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