
  Sound Design
IAT-380, Fall 2008

School of Interactice Art
and Technology

  Instructor: Philippe Pasquier (pasquier<At>sfu.ca)

>>> News (inverted chronological order)

Welcome message 28-08-2008


Welcome to IAT-380 Web page. This course will introduce the theory and practice of sound design. Beyond sound as a medium (music and audio art), we will explore the plasticity of sound and its relationship to other media, including moving images, installation, performance, video games and interactive web sites. Students will develop their skills and aesthetic sensibilities through course projects, and gain a conceptual and historical
understanding of the role of sound as a media.

This (admittedly minimal) site is structured as follow:
- The Lectures page provides access to the lecutre material (week by week description of the readings and deliverables as well as PDf version of the slides).
- The Labs page presents relevant information for the laboratories.
- The Links page will list some of the relevant web links.

Finally, here is the syllabus of IAT-380 for Fall 2008. (PDF, 372Ko)



© Pasquier Philippe, 2008