Chapter Contents


Extended Text Entry: _feedback

Extended Text Entry: _feedback

Handles each character as an event




Argument Type Description
C specifies the event code that modified the line
N specifies the line number of the affected line
N specifies the character offset of the affected character


The _feedback method is run for every character that is input when the Keystroke Feedback mode is chosen from the attribute window, or when the _setMode method is called with the parameter 'ALWAYS'. See _setMode in this class.

The _feedback method is run for every carriage return regardless of mode settings. Do not call this method from the SCL code using _callNotify or _callSend. Define a method block and use it to override the _feedback method. The _feedback method will be called automatically. The following events are then sent to this method:

Possible Events Value is...
PRINTABLE a printable character was typed in
RETURN a Carriage Return or New Line was entered
DELWORD a word was deleted
DELPREVWORD the previous word was deleted
DELCHAR a character was deleted
DELPREVCHAR the previous character was deleted
DELTOEOL all characters to the end of the line were deleted
DELTOBOL all characters to the beginning of the line were deleted
DELLINE the line was deleted
ENTER massive changes were made to the object in one operation


This example uses the _feedback method to test input against a list of color names. If a match is found, the entered value is replaced with the found value. The portion of text that is typed in is marked so that the next keystroke replaces that text. For example, if you type 'R', it displays 'RED.' If you then type an 'O' following the 'R', it displays 'ROSE'.

length v $ 200;

fb: method event $ 20 line offset 8;
 call send(_self_, "_getText", v);
 len = length(v);
 if (len = 0) then return;
 if (event ^= "PRINTABLE") then return;
 /* get the list of valid values */
 l = getniteml(_SELF_, "LIST");
 rc = searchc(l, v, 1, 1, 'y', 'y');
 if (rc > 0) then do;
  v = getitemc(l, rc);
  call send(_SELF_, "_setText", v);
  call send(_SELF_, "_setSelect", 1,
             len+1, 1, 200);

/* _init method sets up the list that 
    is used to hold all possible */
/* valid selections                                                 */

init: method;
 call super(_SELF_, "_init");
 l = makelist();
 rc = insertc(l, "BLACK", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "WHITE", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "RED", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "GREEN", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "BLUE", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "PURPLE", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "VIOLET", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "ORANGE", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "YELLOW", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "PINK", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "CYAN", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "MAGENTA", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "BROWN", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "GOLD", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "LIME", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "GRAY", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "LILAC", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "MAROON", -1);
 rc = insertc(l, "ROSE", -1);
 rc = setniteml(_SELF_, l, "LIST");

 /* force _feedback method to run all the
    time */
 call send(_SELF_, "_setMode", "ALWAYS");


/* Don't forget to cleanup during 
   the _term method */
term: method;
 l = getniteml(_SELF_, "LIST");
 rc = dellist(l);
 call super(_SELF_, "_term");

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