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Using the Output Delivery System

Example 6.4: Selecting ODS Tables for Display

You can use the ODS SELECT statement to deliver only certain tables to open ODS destinations. In the following example, the MODEL procedure is used to fit a model for new one-family home sales.

title 'Modeling One-Family Home Sales';
    data homes;
       input year q pop yn cpi @@;
       label q='New One-Family Houses Sold in Thousands'
          pop='U.S. Population in Millions'
          y='Real Personal Income in Billions'
          cpi='U.S. CPI 1982-1984 = 100';
    70 485 205.052  715.6  .388  71 656 207.661  776.8  .405
    72 718 209.896  839.6  .418  73 634 211.909  949.8  .444
    74 519 213.854 1038.4  .493  75 549 215.973 1142.8  .538
    76 646 218.035 1252.6  .569  77 819 220.239 1379.3  .606
    78 817 222.585 1551.2  .652  79 709 225.055 1729.3  .726
    80 545 227.719 1918.0  .824  81 436 229.945 2127.6  .909
    82 412 232.171 2261.4  .965  83 623 234.296 2428.1  .996
    84 639 236.343 2668.6 1.039  85 688 238.466 2838.7 1.076
    86 750 240.658 3013.3 1.096  87 671 242.820 3194.7 1.136
    88 676 245.051 3479.2 1.183  89 650 247.350 3725.5 1.240
    90 536 249.975 3945.8 1.307

   ods select ResidSummary ParameterEstimates;
   ods trace on;
   ods show;

The ODS SELECT statement specifies that only the two tables "ResidSummary" and "ParameterEstimates" are to be delivered to the ODS destinations. In this example, no ODS destinations are explicitly opened. Therefore, only the SAS listing, which is open by default, receives the procedure output. The ODS SHOW statement displays the current overall selection list in the SAS log. The ODS TRACE statement writes the trace record of the ODS output objects to the SAS log. In the following statements, the MODEL procedure is invoked to produce the output.

    proc model data=homes;
       parms a b c d;
          q = a + b*y + c*lag(y) + d*pop;
       endo q;
       exo y pop;
       id year;
       fit q / dw;

Output 6.4.1 displays the results of the ODS SHOW statement, which writes the current overall selection list to the SAS log. As specified in the preceding ODS SELECT statement, only the two ODS tables "ResidSummary" and "ParameterEstimates" are selected for output.

Output 6.4.1: Results of the ODS SHOW Statement
     ods select ResidSummary ParameterEstimates;
     ods trace on;
     ods show;

Current OVERALL select list is:
1. ResidSummary
2. ParameterEstimates

Partial results of the ODS TRACE statement, which is written to the SAS log, are displayed in Output 6.4.2.

Output 6.4.2: The ODS TRACE: Partial Contents of the SAS Log
      proc model data=homes;
         parms a b c d;
            q = a + b*y + c*lag(y) + d*pop;
         endo q;
         exo y pop;
         id year;

         fit q / dw;

Output Added:
Name:       ModSummary
Label:      Variable Counts
Template:   ets.model.ModSummary
Path:       Model.ModSum.ModSummary


Output Added:
Name:       ResidSummary
Label:      Nonlinear OLS Summary of Residual Errors
Template:   ets.model.ResidSummary
Path:       Model.OLS.ResidSummary

Output Added:
Name:       ParameterEstimates
Label:      Nonlinear OLS Parameter Estimates
Template:   ets.model.ParameterEstimates
Path:       Model.OLS.ParameterEstimates

In the following statements, the ODS SHOW statement writes the current overall selection list to the SAS log. The QUIT statement ends the MODEL procedure. The second ODS SHOW statement writes the selection list to the log after PROC MODEL terminates. The ODS selection list is reset to 'ALL,' by default, when a procedure terminates. For more information on ODS exclusion and selection lists, see the section "Using the Output Delivery System".

   ods show;
   ods show;

The results of the statements are displayed in Output 6.4.3. Before the MODEL procedure terminates, the ODS selection list includes only the two tables, "ResidSummary" and "ParameterEstimates."

Output 6.4.3: The ODS Selection List, Before and After PROC MODEL Terminates
     ods show;

Current OVERALL select list is:
1. ResidSummary
2. ParameterEstimates


      real time           0.34 seconds
      cpu time            0.19 seconds

     ods show;

Current OVERALL select list is: ALL

The MODEL procedure supports run-group processing. Before the QUIT statement is executed, PROC MODEL is active and the ODS selection list remains at its previous setting before PROC MODEL was invoked. After the QUIT statement, the selection list is reset to deliver all output tables.

The entire displayed output consists of the two selected tables, as displayed in Output 6.4.4.

Output 6.4.4: The Listing Output of the ResidSummary and ParameterEstimates Tables from PROC MODEL
                         Logistic Growth Curve Model of U.S. Population                   

                                       The MODEL Procedure

                           Nonlinear OLS Summary of Residual Errors

                     DF       DF                                            Adj     Durbin
  Equation        Model    Error         SSE         MSE    R-Square       R-Sq     Watson

  q                   5       15     86388.2      5759.2      0.6201     0.5188     1.7410

                               Nonlinear OLS Parameter Estimates

                                    Approx                  Approx
      Parameter       Estimate     Std Err    t Value     Pr > |t|    Label

      a               2622.538      1196.5       2.19       0.0446
      b               1.216858      0.3723       3.27       0.0052
      c               -0.65809      0.3676      -1.79       0.0936
      d               -14.8418      8.6435      -1.72       0.1065
      ar_q_l1         0.478075      0.2480       1.93       0.0730    AR(ar_q) q lag1

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