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Chapter Contents
Graphics Examples

Windows and Viewports

A window defines a rectangular area in world coordinates. You define a window with a GWINDOW statement. You can define the window to be larger than, the same size as, or smaller than the actual range of data values, depending on whether you want to show all of the data or only part of the data.

A viewport defines in normalized coordinates a rectangular area on the display device where the image of the data appears. You define a viewport with the GPORT command. You can have your graph take up the entire display device or show it in only a portion, say the upper right part.

Mapping Windows to Viewports

A window and a viewport are related by the linear transformation that maps the window onto the viewport. A line segment in the window is mapped to a line segment in the viewport such that the relative positions are preserved.

You don't have to display all of your data in a graph. In Figure 12.4, the graph on the left displays all of the ACME stock data, and the graph on the right displays only a part of the data. Suppose that you wanted to graph only the last ten years of the stock data, say from 1977 to 1986. You would want to define a window where the YEAR axis ranges from 77 to 86, while the PRICE axis could range from 120 to 160. Figure 12.4 shows stock prices in a window defined for data from 1977 to 1986 along the horizontal direction and from 120 to 160 along the vertical direction. The window is mapped to a viewport defined by the points (20,20) and (70,60). The appropriate GPORT and GWINDOW specifications are as follows:

   call gwindow({77 120, 86 160});
   call gport({20 20, 70 60});
The window, in effect, defines the portion of the graph that is to be displayed in world coordinates, and the viewport specifies the area on the device on which the image is to appear.

inex12o4.gif (2731 bytes)

Figure 12.4: Window to Viewport Mapping

Understanding Windows

Because the default world coordinate system ranges from (0,0) to (100,100), you usually need to define a window in order to set the world coordinates corresponding to your data. A window specifies which part of the data in world coordinate space is to be shown. Sometimes you want all of the data shown; other times, you want to show only part of the data.

A window is defined by an array of four numbers, which define a rectangular area. You define this area by specifying the world coordinates of the lower left and upper right corners in the GWINDOW statement, which has the general form

CALL GWINDOW( minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y );

The argument can be either a matrix or a literal. The order of the elements is important. The array of coordinates can be a 2 ×2, 1 ×4, or 4 ×1 matrix. These coordinates can be specified as matrix literals or as the name of a numeric matrix containing the coordinates. If you do not define a window, the default is to assume both x and y range between 0 and 100.

In summary, a window In the previous example, the variable YEAR ranges from 1971 to 1986, while PRICE ranges from 123.625 to 159.50. Because the data do not fit nicely into the default, you want to define a window that reflects the ranges of the variables YEAR and PRICE. To draw the graph of this data to scale, you can let the YEAR axis range from 70 to 87 and the PRICE axis range from 100 to 200. Use the following statements to draw the graph, shown in Figure 12.5.
   call gstart;
   xbox={0 100 100 0};
   ybox={0 0 100 100};
   call gopen("stocks1");        /* begin new graph STOCKS1 */
   call gset("height", 2.0);
   year=do(71,86,1);                     /* initialize YEAR */
   price={123.75 128.00 139.75          /* initialize PRICE */
          155.50 139.750 151.500
          150.375 149.125 159.500
          152.375 147.000 134.125
          138.750 123.625 127.125
   call gwindow({70 100 87 200});                /* define window */
   call gpoint(year,price,"diamond","green"); /* graph the points */
   call gdraw(year,price,1,"green");            /* connect points */
   call gshow;                                  /* show the graph */

inex12o5.gif (2661 bytes)

Figure 12.5: Stock Data

In this example, you perform several steps that you did not do with the previous graph:

Understanding Viewports

A viewport specifies a rectangular area on the display device where the graph appears. You define this area by specifying the normalized coordinates, the lower left corner and the upper right corner, in the GPORT statement, which has the general form

CALL GPORT( minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y );

The argument can be either a matrix or a literal. Note that both x and y must range between 0 and 100. As with the GWINDOW specification, you can give the coordinates either as a matrix literal enclosed in braces or as the name of a numeric matrix containing the coordinates. The array can be a 2 ×2, 1 ×4, or 4 ×1 matrix. If you do not define a viewport, the default is to span the entire display device.

In summary, a viewport

To display the stock price data in a smaller area on the display device, you must define a viewport. While you are at it, add some text to the graph. You can use the graph that you created and named STOCKS1 in this new graph. The following statements create the graph shown in Figure 12.6.
       /* module centers text strings */
   start gscenter(x,y,str);
      call gstrlen(len,str);               /* find string length */
      call gscript(x-len/2,y,str);                 /* print text */
   finish gscenter;

   call gopen("stocks2");                  /* open a new segment */
   call gset("font","swiss");              /* set character font */
   call gpoly(xbox,ybox);                  /* draw a border      */
   call gwindow({70 100,87 200});          /* define a window    */
   call gport({15 15,85 85});              /* define a viewport  */
   call ginclude("stocks1");          /* include segment STOCKS1 */
   call gxaxis({70 100},17,18, ,           /* draw x-axis        */
   call gyaxis({70 100},100,11, ,                 /* draw y-axis */
   call gset("height",2.0);              /* set character height */
   call gtext(77,89,"Year");            /* print horizontal text */
   call gvtext(68,200,"Price");          /* print vertical text  */
   call gscenter(79,210,"ACME Stock Data");      /* print title  */
   call gshow;

inex12o6.gif (4525 bytes)

Figure 12.6: Stock Data with Axes and Labels

The statements that generated this graph are described below:

Changing Windows and Viewports

Windows and viewports can be changed for the graphics segment any time that the segment is active. Using the stock price example, you can first define a window for the data during the years 1971 to 1974 and map this to the viewport defined on the upper half of the normalized device; then you can redefine the window to enclose the data for 1983 to 1986 and map this to an area in the lower half of the normalized device. Notice how the shape of the viewport affects the shape of the curve. Changing the viewport can affect the height of any printed characters as well. In this case, you can modify the HEIGHT parameter.

The following statements generate the graph in Figure 12.7:

        /* figure 12.7  */
   reset clip;                          /* clip outside viewport */
   call gopen;                             /* open a new segment */
   call gset("color","blue");
   call gset("height",2.0);
   call gwindow({71 120,74 175});             /* define a window */
   call gport({20 55,80 90});               /* define a viewport */
   call gpoly({71 74 74 71},{120 120 170 170}); /* draw a border */
   call gscript(71.5,162,"Viewport #1 1971-74",,   /* print text */
   call gpoint(year,price,"diamond","green");     /* draw points */
   call gdraw(year,price,1,"green");           /* connect points */
   call gblkvpd;
   call gwindow({83 120,86 170});           /* define new window */
   call gport({20 10,80 45});             /* define new viewport */
   call gpoly({83 86 86 83},{120 120 170 170});   /* draw border */
   call gpoint(year,price,"diamond","green");     /* draw points */
   call gdraw(year,price,1,"green");           /* connect points */
   call gscript(83.5,162,"Viewport #2 1983-86",,   /* print text */
   call gshow;

inex12o7.gif (2730 bytes)

Figure 12.7: Multiple Viewports

The RESET CLIP command is necessary because you are graphing only a part of the data in the window. You want to clip the data that falls outside of the window. See "Clipping Your Graphs" later in this chapter for more on clipping. In this graph, you

Stacking Viewports

Viewports can be stacked; that is, a viewport can be defined relative to another viewport so that you have a viewport within a viewport.

A window or a viewport is changed globally through the IML graphics commands: the GWINDOW command for windows, and the GPORT, GPORTSTK, and GPORTPOP commands for viewports. When a window or viewport is defined, it persists across IML graphics commands until another window- or viewport-altering command is encountered. Stacking helps you define a viewport without losing the effect of a previously defined viewport. When a stacked viewport is popped, you are placed into the environment of the previous viewport.

Windows and viewports are associated with a particular segment; thus, they automatically become undefined when the segment is closed. A segment is closed whenever IML encounters a GCLOSE command or a GOPEN command. A window or a viewport can also be changed for a single graphics command. Either one can be passed as an argument to a graphics primitive, in which case any graphics output associated with the call is defined in the specified window or viewport. When a viewport is passed as an argument, it is stacked, or defined relative to the current viewport, and popped when the graphics command is complete.

For example, suppose you want to create a legend that shows the low and peak points of the data for the ACME stock graph. Create a graphics segment showing this information:

   call gopen("legend");
   call gset('height',5);   /* enlarged to accomodate viewport later */
   call gset('font','swiss');
   call gscript(5,75,"Stock Peak:  159.5 in 1979");
   call gscript(5,65,"Stock Low:   123.6 in 1984");
   call gclose;
Now create a segment that highlights and labels the low and peak points of the data:
     /* Highlight and label the low and peak points of the stock */
   call gopen("labels");
   call gwindow({70 100 87 200}); /* define window */
   call gpoint(84,123.625,"circle","red",4) ;
   call gtext(84,120,"LOW","red");
   call gpoint(79,159.5,"circle","red",4);
   call gtext(79,162,"PEAK","red");
   call gclose;
Open a new graphics segment and include the STOCK1 segment created earlier in the chapter, placing the segment in the viewport {10 10 90 90}.
   call gopen;
   call gportstk ({10 10 90 90}); /* viewport for the plot itself */
   call ginclude('stocks2');
To place the legend in the upper right corner of this viewport, use the GPORTSTK command instead of the GPORT command to define the legend's viewport relative to the one used for the plot of the stock data:
   call gportstk ({70 70 100 100});   /* viewport for the legend */
   call ginclude("legend");
Now pop the legend's viewport to get back to the viewport of the plot itself and include the segment that labels and highlights the low and peak stock points:
   call gportpop;   /* viewport for the legend */
   call ginclude ("labels");
Finally, display the graph.
   call gshow;

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Figure 12.8: Stacking Viewports

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