Chapter Contents




Specifies the limit on the total amount of memory that SAS can use

Default: varies, see the following Details section
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: System Administration: MEMORY
OS/390 specifics: all

See Also


MEMSIZE=n | n K | n M | n G | MIN | MAX | hexX

n | n K | n M | n G
specifies total memory size in bytes (0 - 2,147,483,647), kilobytes (0 - 2,097,151), megabytes (0 - 2047), or gigabytes (0-2), respectively.

causes SAS to calculate the value of MEMSIZE= using the formula in the following Details section.

causes SAS to calculate the value of MEMSIZE= using the formula in the following Details section.

specifies total memory size as a hexadecimal number of bytes.


SAS calcuates the value of the MEMSIZE= system option using the formula below if any of the following are true:

value_of_MEMSIZE_system_option = size_of_user_memory_region - value_of_MEMLEAVE_system_option

Using the default value for MEMSIZE= removes the possibility of MEMSIZE= values that exceed your memory region. When this is the case, SAS can run out of memory before running memory recovery programs. SAS begins running memory recovery programs when the size of SAS memory approaches the value of MEMSIZE=. If MEMSIZE= is greater than your entire memory region, the memory recovery programs may not run and SAS can run out of memory. For this reason, it is recommended that you not specify a value for MEMSIZE=. Instead, control memory usage by setting your region size and by using an appropriate value for the MEMLEAVE= option. For information on setting your region size, see the JCL information for your operating environment.

See Also

Chapter Contents



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Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.