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Graphical Enhancements

Specifying the Method of Standardization

See SHWSTR3 in the SAS/QC Sample Library

In the previous examples in this section, the default method of standardization (based on ranges) is used for all six vertex variables. You can specify alternative methods with the STARSPECS= option. For example, specifying STARSPECS=3 standardizes each vertex variable so that the inner circle corresponds to three standard deviations below the mean and the outer circle corresponds to three standard deviations above the mean (that is, the circles represent 3\sigma limits). Specifying STARSPECS=k requests circles corresponding to k\sigma limits, and specifying STARSPECS=0 requests the default method.

In some applications, it may be necessary to use distinct methods of standardization for the vertex variables. You can do this by creating an input SAS data set that provides the method for each vertex variable and specifying this data set with the STARSPECS= option.

The following statements create a data set named MYSPECS that specifies standardization methods for the vertex variables used in the previous examples:

   data myspecs;
      length _var_     $8
             _label_   $16 ;
      input  _var_ _label_ _lspoke_ _sigmas_ _lsl_ _usl_ ;
          thick    Thickness    1       .     0.25  0.50
          gloss    Gloss        1       .     0.10  0.60
          defects  Defects      1       .     0.10  0.60
          dust     Dust         2      3.0     .     .
          humid    Humidity     2      0.0     .     .
          temp     Temperature  2      0.0     .     .
This data set contains a number of special variables whose names begin and end with an underscore.

Variable Name Description
_LABEL_label for identifying the vertex (used in conjunction with the STARLABEL= option). This must be a character variable of length 16 or less.
_LSL_lower specification limit
_SIGMAS_multiple of standard deviations above and below the average. A value of zero specifies standardization based on the range.
_USL_upper specification limit
_VAR_name of vertex variable. This must be a character variable of length 8.

Standardization is specified with the variables _SIGMAS_, _LSL_, and _USL_, as follows:

The following statements use the data set MYSPECS to create a star chart for paint index:
   title 'Variables Related to Paint Index';

   proc shewhart history=paint limits=paintlim;
      xchart pindex * hour /
         starvertices = ( thick gloss defects dust humid temp )
         startype     = wedge
         starcircles  = 0.0 1.0
         lstarcircles = 2   2
         starstart    = -30
         labelfont    = simplex
         starlegend   = degrees
         starspecs    = myspecs
         starlabel    = high 
         cframe       = vibg
         cstars       = salmon
         cconnect     = salmon
         cinfill      = ywh;

The chart is shown in Figure 47.22. Specifying STARLEGEND=DEGREES requests a legend that identifies the vertex variables by their angles (in degrees) rather than their clock positions. Here, zero degrees corresponds to twelve o'clock, and the degrees are measured clockwise. The first vertex variable is positioned at 30 degrees, as specified with the STARSTART= option. Note that you specify the STARSTART= value as a negative number to indicate that it is in degrees.

In Figure 47.22 the vertices that exceed the outer circle are labeled with the value of the variable _LABEL_ in the STARSPECS= data set. This type of labeling is requested by specifying STARLABEL=HIGH. A font (SIMPLEX) for the labels is specified with the LABELFONT= option.

The vertices for THICK at HOUR=5, 6, and 7 are truncated, as indicated in the SAS log. The truncation value is the physical radius of an imaginary circle referred to as the bounding circle that lies outside the outer circle. In general, any vertex that exceeds the bounding circle is truncated to the bounding radius. This is done so that unusually large vertex variable values will not result in grossly distorted stars. You can specify a different bounding radius with the STARBDRADIUS= option.

The spokes corresponding to the environmental variables DUST, HUMID, and TEMP are drawn with a dashed line style to distinguish them from the quality variables THICK, GLOSS, and DEFECTS, whose spokes are drawn with a solid line. The styles are specified by the variable _LSPOKE_. Refer to SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference for a complete list of line styles. If you are producing charts in color, you can also use the variable _CSPOKE_ in the STARSPECS= data set to assign colors to the spokes.

gstar9.gif (7041 bytes)

Figure 47.22: Star Chart Using STARSPECS= Specifications

For more information about the options used in this example, see the appropriate entries in Chapter 46, "Dictionary of Options."

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