Chapter Contents




Invokes the BUILD window in SAS/AF software

Category: Utility

Example 1: Opening an Entry
Example 2: Compiling a FRAME Entry
Example 3: Specifying RESOURCE and PMENU Entries
Example 4: Specifying a Secondary PMENU Entry
See Also


CALL BUILD(entry<,open-mode<,resource><,pmenu>>);

is the name of an entry in a SAS catalog. A one-level name is assumed to be WORK.catalog. A two-level name is assumed to be libref.catalog. A three-level name is assumed to be libref.catalog.entry.PROGRAM. A four-level name is assumed to be libref.catalog.entry.type.

If a catalog is specified instead of a catalog entry, the Explorer window is brought up and the three optional parameters are ignored.

Type: Character

is the mode in which to open the catalog:

opens the catalog entry for editing. (This is the default.)

opens the catalog entry for browsing.

compiles the FRAME, PROGRAM, or SCL entry specified in entry. The NOMSG option prevents NOTE messages from being sent to the SAS log when batch files are being run (or to the LOG window for all other files) when the program is compiled, but it does not suppress compiler error or warning messages.

Type: Character

is the RESOURCE entry if entry is a FRAME entry. A one- or three-level name can be specified. A one-level name assumes that the RESOURCE entry is in the current catalog, the SASUSER.PROFILE catalog, or the SASHELP.FSP catalog.

Type: Character

is the PMENU entry for the DISPLAY window. If pmenu is not supplied, a default PMENU entry is displayed. A one-level name assumes that the PMENU entry is in either the current catalog, the SASUSER.PROFILE catalog, or the SASHELP.FSP catalog. For FRAME and PROGRAM entries, you can specify a secondary PMENU entry for the SOURCE window. Use a space to separate a secondary PMENU name from a main PMENU name.

Type: Character


You can use the BUILD routine to

If a catalog entry is specified in the first parameter instead of an entry, none of the optional parameters are honored.

Note:   When a program uses the BUILD routine, SAS/AF software must be licensed at sites where the application is executed.  [cautionend]


Example 1: Opening an Entry

Open a PROGRAM entry named NAME in edit mode in the catalog MYLIB.MYCAT:

call build('');

Example 2: Compiling a FRAME Entry

Compile the source code for the entry A.FRAME in the WORK.TEST catalog without opening a DISPLAY window for the entry and without displaying any NOTES:

call build('work.test.a.frame','compile nomsg');

Example 3: Specifying RESOURCE and PMENU Entries

Edit a FRAME using a particular RESOURCE and PMENU:

call build('','e',

Example 4: Specifying a Secondary PMENU Entry

Edit a FRAME entry using a custom PMENU for both the DISPLAY and SOURCE windows. The DISPLAY window uses MYPMENU1.PMENU, and the SOURCE window uses MYPMENU2.PMENU.

call build('','e','',
     'mypmenu1 mypmenu2');

See Also



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