Learning the Ropes and Riding the Waves
WICSE Seminar
EECS Department
UC Berkeley
February 5, 1996
Ljiljana Trajkovic
NSF Visiting Professor
On leave from
Bell Communications Research (Bellcore)
Morristown, NJ
567 Cory Hall
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-1770
Tel.: (510) 643-8351
FAX.: (510) 642-2739
Biographical Note
- Dipl. Ing. Degree in Power Engineering, University of Pristina, Yugoslavia
- MS in EE and MS in CE, Syracuse University, 1979 and 1981 (respectively)
- Ph.D. in EE, UCLA, 1986
- Visiting Lecturer, UCLA
- Member of Technical Staff, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, 1988 - 1990
- Research Scientist, Bell Communications Research, Morristown, NJ, 1990 - present
- NSF Visiting Professor, UC Berkeley, 1996
Road Map
Know the company you have joined
You and your research
Creating star performers
Beyond technical excellence:
Communications skills, Mentoring, Support groups.
Companies change
Reading materials
Internet resources
Ljiljana Trajkovic
March 10, 1996