
Majid Bahrami

Canada Research Chair in Alternative Energy Conversion Systems, Tier 1
Fellow of ASME, Fellow of CAE

School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering
Faculty of Applied Science
Simon Fraser University
250-13450 102 Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3T 0A3, Canada

Office: Galleria 4, Room 4164
Laboratory: 190A SFU Surrey
Tel.: +1 (778) 782-8538
Fax: +1 (778) 782-7514
e-mail: mbahrami [at] sfu [dot] ca


Video Tours:
- Lab. for Alternative Energy Conversion
- Faculty of Applied Science (SFU)

  • The Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada and SFU President Andrew Petter visiting our atmospheric water harvesting technology.
  • Innovate BC Award, October 2018.
  • 8th Heat Powered Cycles Conference, September 2018 (Bayreuth, Germany).
  • "Graphite Heat Sink" designed at LAEC.
  • "Graphite Heat Exchanger" designed at LAEC.
  • Dr. Bahrami wins the MBR Global Water Award for Innovative Research and Development.
  • The Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada and SFU President Andrew Petter trying water from the HAWGen.
  • Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Clark trying water from the Watergenics HAWGen.
  • Prime Minister Trudeau and former LAEC PhD candidate Khorshid Fayazmanesh.
  • Integrated Thermal Management Systems for Hybrid Electric Vehicles.
  • Dr. Bahrami is named one of Canada's "Clean50 for 2016".
  • Future Vehicle Technologies (FVT) and Laboratory for Alternative Energy Conversion (LAEC) at SFU teamed up to increse the driving range of eVaro, one of the Canada's first hybrid prototype cars.
  • Adsorption cooling systems generate cooling power from waste heat.
  • Development and validation of a new convective heat transfer model for interrupted rectangular fins. This project is supported by Analytic Systems.
  • Green Sustainable Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems for Service Vehicles. This project approved by Automotive Partnership Canada involves the development of the next-generation ... [Read more]
  • Laboratory for Alternative Energy Conversion ... [ Read more ]


  • New program to address critical skills need for sustainable energy future.
    NSERC CREATE Hybrid Thermal Electric Microgrid (HyTEM) program offers courses, seminars, workshops, and tours (June 2021)
  • Congratulations to Maha Shehadeh for completing her Master's (June 2021)
  • PICS Snapshot: Innovations in Mobile Thermal Energy Storage - Using Waste Heat to Power Communities (June 2021)
  • Congratulations to Mohammad-javad (MJ) Rajabtabar for completing his Master's (June 2021)
  • Congratulations to Hesam Bahrehmand for completing his doctorate (Sept 2020)
  • Congratulations to Martin Cermak for completing his doctorate (June 2020)
  • Congratulations to Negar Mohammadaliha for completing her Master's (Sept 2019)
  • Congratulations to Zhongchen Zhang for completing his Master's (Sept 2019)
  • Congratulations to Mina Rouhani for completing her doctorate (July 2019)
  • Congratulations to Sara (Ecem) Cerrah for completing her Master's (June 2019)
  • Professor Bahrami was inducted to The Canadian Academy of Engineering (June 2019)
  • Congratulations to Ali Malekian for completing his doctorate (Apr 2019)
  • Congratulations to Mohammad Ahadi for completing his doctorate (Dec 2018)
  • Congratulations to Sina Salari for completing his doctorate (Dec 2018)
  • Congratulations to Mikel Garcia-Poulin for completing his Master's (Nov 2018)
  • Congratulations to Poovanna Cheppudira for completing his doctorate (Sept 2018)
  • BCIC ignite: Next Generation Cooling Solutions for High-Capacity Battery Chargers of Electric Vehicles (October 2018)
  • Waste Heat: Innovators Turn to an Overlooked Renewable Resource (May 2018)
  • LAEC and KPU are awarded a NSERC "College University Idea to Innovation" grant for their project From Waste to Clean Food. (May 2017)
  • LAEC is featured in the new SFU Innovates video. (March 2017)
  • LAEC is in the Globe and Mail. (Nov 2016)
  • Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Clark visited SFU and tried water from our HAWGen machine. (Nov 2016)
  • Dr. Bahrami gave a President's Faculty Lecture on October 12, 2016. (Oct 2016)
  • Congratulations to Dr. Bahrami on being named one of Canada's Clean50 for 2017. (Sept 2016)
  • Engineering Net-Zero Impact. (July 2016)
  • Congratulations to Mahdi Nemati for completing his MASc. (June 2016)
  • Dr. Bahrami's interview with Julie Rose on byuradio. (May 2016)
  • HAWGen in Business in Vancouver. (May 2016)
  • Dr. Bahrami's with Kirk LaPointe on Roundhouse Radio. (May 2016)
  • CBC Vancouver's coverage of the HAWGen (starting at 4:54). (April 2016)
  • BCTIA announces that Watergenics is a finalist for the Most Promising Pre-Commercial Technology Award. (April 2016)
  • Congratulations to Masoud Labbani for completing his MASc. (March 2016)
  • Congratulations to Farshid Bagheri for completing his PhD. (March 2016)
  • Congratulations to Ali Soleymani for completing his MASc and on being hired as a Stack Powertrain Interface Engineer at AFCC. (March 2016)
  • Watergenics if one of Ready to Rocket's 2016 Cleantech Emerging Rockets. (March 2016)
  • SFU invention stepping out of the lab. (March 2016)
  • Congratulations to Maryam Yazdan Pour for her new position as a Test and Verification Engineer at Corvus Energy Limited (March 2016)
  • Congratulations to Mohammad Ali Fayazbakhsh for completing his PhD. (November 2015)
  • Congratulations to Mehdi Andisheh for completing his PhD. (November 2015)
  • Congratulations to Amir Sharafian for his new position as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Mechanical Engineering Department and the Clean Enery Research Centre - Transportation Futures Division at the University of British Columbia (October 2015)
  • Congratulations to Amir Sharafian for completing his PhD. (October 2015)
  • SFU congratulates Dr. Majid Bahrami on being awarded "Canada's Clean50 for 2016". (September 2015)
  • Congratulations to Mohsen Akbari for his new position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria (September 2015)
  • Congratulations to Hamidreza Sadeghifar for his new position as a Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellow in Prof. Bi's laboratory in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at UBC. (September 2015)
  • Congratulations to Mohammad Fakoor Pakdaman for his new position as an Assistant Instructor at BCIT (July 2015)
  • Congratulations to Mohammad Fakoor Pakdaman for completing his PhD. (July 2015)
  • LAEC welcomes Dr. Ali Dabiri as a new Postdoc and Pouya Jamzad as a new M.Sc student. (July 2015)
  • Congratulations to Maryam Yazdanpoor for finishing her PhD. (July 2015)
  • Congratulations to Mehdi Andisheh for joining Ballard Power Systems as an Applied Scientist. (May 2015)
  • Congratulations to Golnoush Mostafavi, a former LAEC MASc student, for joining CopperTree Analytics as an Application Engineer. (May 2015)
  • Congratulations to Dr. Mohsen Akbari, a former PhD student and Post-doc fellow at LAEC who landed a faculty position at the Mechanical Engeineering Department of UVic as an Assistant Professor (June 2015)
  • Congratulations to Dr. Hamidreza Sadeghifar for finishing his PhD (June 2015)
  • Congratulations to Dr. Mehran Ahmadi for finishing his PhD (June 2015)
  • Dr. Bahrami awarded a $750K 3-year NSERC CU-I2I grant entitled " Graphite Thermal Management Products Improved". (June 2015)
  • LAEC welcomes Jaber Eslami as a visiting PhD student as well as Martin Cermak and Ali Malakian as new PhD students (January 2015)
  • Congratulations to Mehran Ahmadi for completing his PhD (December 2014)
  • Congratulations to Ningbai Ningbai for completing her MASc (November 2014)
  • Congratulations to Mayank Kalra on completing his MASc (August 2014)
  • Congratulations to Ali Gholami on completing his MASc (August 2014)
  • Dr. Bahrami is awarded a four-year NSEARC collaborative research grant with the Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation (AFCC) to study the bulk and interfacial transport properties of porous fuel cell materials. (May 2014)
  • LAEC welcomes Behzad Baghaour, as a new Postdoc. (March 2014)
  • LAEC welcomes Mohammad Ahadi, as a new PhD student and Ali Soleymani, as a new MASc student. (January 2014)
  • Dr. Bahrami is awarded an equipment grant in Alternative Energy Conversion Systems by CFI. (November 2013)
  • Dr. Bahrami is awarded a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Alternative Energy Conversion Systems. (October 2013)
  • LAEC welcomes Sina Salari, Mina Rouhani and Atiyeh Hoseini as new PhD student, and Mahdi Nemati and Brandon Ingraham as new MASc students. (Sept. 2013)
  • LAEC welcomes Poovanna Thimmaiah and Khorshid Fayazmanesh, as a new PhD student. (May 2013)
  • LAEC welcomes Dr. Wendell Huttema, our new lab engineer. (Apr. 2013)
  • Welcome Dr. Claire McCague to LAEC. (Apr. 2013)
  • Welcome Dr. Protiva Roy to LAEC. (Mar. 2013)
  • Dr. Bahrami is awarded a four-year NSERC collaborative research grant with Alpha Technologies for design and development a new hybrid cooling technology for telecommunication industry. (Sept. 2012)
  • Welcome Ali Gholami who joined LAEC as a M.Sc. student. (Sept. 2012)
  • Welcome Dr. Brian Fraser to LAEC. (Sept. 2012)
  • Congratulations to Setareh Shahsavari, former LAEC M.Sc. student, for starting her PhD program in MIT. (Sept. 2012)
  • Dr. Bahrami receives a major research funding from Automotive Partnership Canada (APC) to develop the next generation of green sustainable air conditioning and refrigeration systems for service vehicles. (July 2012)
  • LAEC welcomes Mr. Marius Haiducu, our new lab engineer. (July 2011)
  • Future Vehicle Technologies and Dr. Bahrami started one of the pioneering R&D projects on thermal management of hybrid electric vehicles, funded by Automotive Partnership Canada (APC). (Mar. 2011)
  • Congratulations to Dr. Ali Tamayol, a former LAEC PhD student, for receiving the prestigeous NSERC post-doctoral scholarship. (Jan. 2011)
  • Congratulations to Dr. Mohsen Akbari, a former LAEC PhD student, for receiving the prestigeous NSERC post-doctoral scholarship. (Sept. 2011)
  • Congratulations to Dr. Ehsan Sadeghi, a former LAEC PhD student, for joining Dr. Eikerling group and Automotive Fuel Cell Corporation (AFCC) as a post-doctoral fellow. (Sept. 2011)