Math 178 Homework and Assignments

Short writing assignment #1. Draft due Friday (in class), May 18, final version due Friday May 25

Quantitative assignment #1. Due: Friday June 1

Writing assignment #2. Draft due Friday (in class), June 15, final version due Friday June 22

Writing assignment #3. Due Wednesday, June 27.

Midterm test; Friday July 6 (2 hours)

The midterm test will cover all the material we have discusses in the course so far (all about fractals). You can expect quantitative questions similar (but not necessarily identical) to the quantitative assignment problems. In addition, there will be 2 or 3 short written questions (one or two paragraphs each) concerning the theory discussed in the course.

Please bring a calculator and ruler.

Writing assignment #4. Due: July 25.

Group presentations about sections of articles on chaos that were handed out in class. See here for details about this assignment and the evaluation rubric (this has been updated from what was handed out in class wednesday).

Groups will work on this at next weeks' seminar (July 18). Presentation will be due at the seminar on July 25.

I passed around two books that give `popular' accounts of the development of chaos theory, and which may be useful references here;
Chaos: Making a New Science, by James Gleick
Does God Play Dice?, by Ian Stewart.

Quantitative assignment #3. Due: Friday, August 3 in class (no late assignments; solutions will be provided then)

  • (1) Here's plots of the function ga(x)=x3+ax for a = -2, 0, 2; plots of ga(x)=x3+ax (the diagonal line y = x is also plotted).

  • (2) Sketch the graph of a function that has the period 4 orbit {1,-2,3,0} (in that order!). Verify by graphical iteration that this function does indeed have that period 4 orbit. (Hint: you want to first plot the points 1, -2, 3, 0 along the x-axis and then place the graph above these points at the appropriate location.)

  • (3) Using the Logistic Movie applet, find a stable (prime) period 6 orbit for the logistic equation near parameter valus a=3.6 (record the exact value of a you used). Include a sketch or screen shot of the histogram of the orbit at this value. Then use the Bifurcation applet to locate (precisely) all points in this stable period 6 orbit (click on with mouse) and all points in the unstable period 6 orbit. Verify, by iterating the logistic equation with your calculator, that these points do form period 6 orbits (include the results from your calculator). Run the Graphical Iteration applet with this a value and with a point in the stable period 6 orbit. Make a sketch or take a screen shot of the 'staircase' path of this period 6 orbit (graphical iteration of the orbit). Label the points in the orbit along the x-axis.

  • (4) Suppose ga(x) is a family of functions whose orbits (for various values of the parameter a) go through a sequence of period-doubling bifurcations like we observed for the logistic family of functions. Let a1 be the parameter value where the fixed point (period 1 orbit) bifurcates into a period 2 orbit, a2 the parameter value where the period 2 orbit bifurcates into a period 4 orbit, etc.

    "Universality" says that period-doubling takes place at a common rate, namely that the ratios of the distances between successive bifurcations is nearly constant at the value d for a wide variety of dynamical systems;
    Here, d is the Feigenbaum constant; d = 4.6692.... We say that the system has reached chaos when it reaches the "last" bifurcation point ainfinity, also referred to as the Feigenbaum point (at which the periodic orbit now has infinite period). Beyond this value of a orbits have aperiodic, or ergodic, behaviour. (This is mentioned by David Ruelle in his article on turbulence that I handed out for group presentations. See also Sections 11.2 and 11.3 in the text.)

  • (5) Show that the saw tooth transformation has an ergodic orbit.

  • (6) Use symbolic dynamics to find all period 2 points of the logistic equation f4(x). (First find the symbol sequences (binary expansions), then transform these to numbers (hint: they are simple fractions), then transform these numbers via the function h(x) into numbers for the logistic equation.)
    Verify the answers by iterating the logistic function.

    Last updated: July 26