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Triangle Island Publications 

Articles in refereed journals:

Drever, M.C., K.A. Hobson, L.K. Blight and D.F. Bertram.In press.Depredation on seabird eggs by Keen's mice (Peromyscus keeni): using stable isotopes to decipher the diet of terrestrial omnivore on an oceanic island.Can. J. Zool. 

Bertram, D.F., D. Mackas and S. McKinnell.Submitted.The seasonal cycle revisited: interannual variation and ecosystem consequences.Prog. Oceanogr. :.

Blight, L. and T.D. Williams.Submitted.Egg neglect in a member of the Alcidae: an experimental approach.Funct. Ecol. :.

St. Clair, C.C., R.C. St. Clair and T.D. Williams.Submitted.Effects of kleptoparasitism by Glaucous-winged Gulls on Tufted Puffins.Auk :.

Bertram, D.F., I.L. Jones, E.G. Cooch, H.A. Knechtel and F. Cooke.2000. Survival rates for Cassin's and Rhinoceros Auklets at Triangle Island, British Columbia.Condor 102:155-162.

Bertram, D.F., L. Cowen and A.E. Burger.1999.Use of radar for monitoring colonial burrow-nesting seabirds.J. Field Ornithol. 70:145-157.

Blight, L.K., J.L. Ryder and D.B. Bertram.1999.Predation on Rhinoceros Auklet eggs by a native population of Peromyscus.Condor 101:871-876.

Morbey, Y.E., R.C. Ydenberg, H.A. Knechtel and A. Harfenist.1999.Parental provisioning, nestling departure decisions and pre-fledging mass recession in Cassin's Auklets.Anim. Behav. 57:873-881.

Morbey, Y.E. and R.C. Ydenberg.1997.Intraspecific variability in nestling growth and fledging behaviour of Cassins Auklets at Triangle Island, British Columbia.Condor 99:361-371.

Toochin, R.1995.A Great Crested Flycatcher at Triangle Island, B.C. - the first provincial record.Bird. J. 4:106-109.

Other publications:

Boyd, W.S., J.L. Ryder, S.G. Shisko and D.F. Bertram.2000.At-sea foraging distributions of radio-marked Cassin's Auklets breeding at Triangle Island, British Columbia.Technical Report Series No. 353, Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, Delta, BC.

Bertram, D.F.1999.Report from Triangle Island Seabird Research and Monitoring Station: Changes in the 1990's.Bird Trends 7:26.


Blight, L.K.2000.Egg neglect and its implications for egg predation in Rhinoceros Auklet.MSc, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.pp.

Knechtel, H.1998.Effects of age, gender, and condition on the reproductive effort of Cassin's Auklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) on Triangle Island, British Columbia.MSc, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.96 pp.

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CWE web site created by Lesley Evans Ogden. Last updated on 6 March, 2001. Contact CWE webmaster.