Control Theory for Physicists

AUTHOR: John Bechhoefer, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia

Cambridge University Press, 2021.

• Mathematical Appendix, Solutions Manual, and associated
Mathematica notebooks at CUP (see "Resources").

Table of contents and why physicists might be interested in control theory.

• From Adilson Motter's review in IEEE Control Systems Magazine (October 2022)

  • "This is a rare example of a textbook that is concise yet clear, math dense yet very accessible, and rigorous yet beautifully written."

• From Michael Hinczewski's review in The Biophysicist (July 2022)

  • "Together with information theory, control theory is the area of engineering that has the most fundamental lessons to teach physicists, and John Bechhoefer's recent textbook, Control Theory for Physicists, is an excellent place to start learning them."

• The book has a featured post on the Wolfram Community website. The post is a Mathematica notebook, of course!

Cambridge University Press Amazon Canada Amazon USA
Revised Notebooks and Figures
Prob. 3.2, 4.9, 7.15, 7.18, 7.19, 8.7; Fig. 6.7
Control Theory for Physisists Cover

Cover image: Guy Immega, 2020