Dr. Ryan C.N. D'Arcy, Ph.D. Neuroscience Research

Primary contact: Please find out more at BrainNET

The focus of our research is on basic and clinical neuroscience, with both intertwined where possible through advanced medical technologies. We use a wide array of advanced brain imaging modalities to study functional neural systems and help patients with neurological  and mental health conditions.

Fundamental science: Brain function is similar to weather systems. It emerges from complex neural networks and is dynamic across space, time, and other dimensions. Consequently, a multimodal imaging approach is needed to integrate and understand human brain function through non-invasive medical technologies. Technologies and methods include:

·         High field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
·         Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
·         Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
·         High-density magnetoencephalography (MEG)
·         Magnetic source imaging (MSI)
·         High-density electroencephalography (EEG)
·         Current source imaging (CSI)
·         Evoked and event-related potentials (EPs/ERPs)
·         Rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
·         Transcranial direct current stimulations (TDCS)
·         Portable neuro-modulatory stimulation
·         High performance computing and AI

Translational science: Advances in neurotechnologies enable the development of next-generation diagnostics and therapeutics for brain health. Overcoming the challenges and barriers to clinical implementation requires a focus on translational neuroscience. Advanced clinical applications include:

·         Brain vital signs PoC evaluation and monitoring: NeuroCatch
·         Functional monitoring of neuroplasticity: Rehabilitation / Project Iron Soldier
·         Functional status evaluation: Halifax Consciousness Scanner (HCS)
·         Perioperative PoC surgical simulation and training: PeriopSim
·         Neurosurgical VR surgical simulation and training: NeuroTouch
·         Functional brain mapping: Surgical and radiation treatment
·         Biomarkers for early diagnoses: Brain Atrophy and Lesion Index (BALI)
·         Brain health monitoring and optimization: Brain Power Score
·         Advanced limits of functional imaging: White matter fMRI

Translational advances in neuroimaging / neurotechnologies have significant impacts across neurological,  neurosurgical, and mental health domains. Clinical brain disorders and diseases include:

·         Concussion and traumatic brain injury (TBI)
·         Stroke and related cerebrovascular diseases
·         Seizure disorders and epilepsy
·         Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia
·         Multiple sclerosis and related white matter diseases
·         Parkinson’s disease and related movement disorders
·         Primary and secondary brain tumours
·         Autism and related developmental disorders
·         Anxiety, depression, and related mood disorders
·         Health brain optimization