Academic Enhancement Program (AEP)
The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) is a collaborative program between the School of Computing Science and the Student Learning Commons at Simon Fraser University.
The AEP aims to help students succeed in their university studies by incorporating learning activities within the course timetables of core first-year Computing Science courses and providing further resources.
To date, the courses serviced include Introduction to Computing Science and Programming I and II, Introduction to Computer Design, Data Structures and Programming, at the SFU Burnaby, Surrey and Harbour Centre campuses.
Depending on the semester some courses may or may not be offered or participating in the AEP program.
Information for Students
This program services the core Computing Science undergraduate courses:
- In the Burnaby campus:
- CMPT 120. See AEP 101 workshop.
- In the Surrey campus
- No courses are offered this semester which incorporate the AEP program
- In the Harbour Centre campus
- No courses are offered this semester which incorporate the AEP program
If you have already attended the course-associated workshop in a previous semester, or you cannot attend the current course-associated workshop, or this is your second year of university studies or later, you may alternatively do the AEP assignment. You can always attedn the workshop as well. You need to consult with the AEP CS program coordinator , Diana Cukierman, to ask for pre-approval about doing the assignment if you choose an alternative topic.
All students receive points for completing AEP report (as agreed with your course instructor), as they would for any other course activities.
Please see the details about the AEP activities you need to do in the corresponding sections (check the other items in the students menu).
Inforamtion for Instructors
Instructors welcome
Please contact us if you are interested in incorporating any of the AEP workshops to your course.
The AEP is a required component of CMPT 120 as approved by the Computing Science Undergraduate Program Committee (UPC). AEP activities for CMPT 125, CMPT 128 and CMPT 225 are usually offered as well, if the instructor is interested.
The courses CMPT 126, CMPT 150 and ENSC 150 are not offered any longer, however the associated AEP workshops created to be associated to these courses may be adapted to other courses.
Activities associated to courses
- Students taking CMPT 120 and CMPT 128 do the AEP 101 workshop.
- Students taking CMPT 125 and CMPT 225 do the AEP elective assignment, which includes choosing a workshop, reading, or video, and writing a report about it.
- Students who have already attended the course-associated workshop in a previous semester or who cannot attend the workshop on the specific date may alternatively do the AEP elective assignment. Students who have been at the university for some years may also request this option. Instructors do not need to worry about this. This alternative activity will be announced to students in class. (See Instructor Participation #5 for more information about the AEP class visit,) and the AEP coordinator deals with approving it.
Key characteristics
- The AEP workshops and learning activities (even the "AEP elective assignment") which have been designed and tailored for course topics. Every workshop has a component directly related to the contents of the course. In the case of the elective assignment, students are guided to address and/or reflect about learning techniques or issues related to CS.
- The program intervention is minimal. Students are required only one AEP activity per course. Our studies so far suggest that even this brief intervention can have quite an impact. Also, through the AEP we make students aware of additional resources related to academic wellness and learning that they may pursue in case of interest or need.
- All students are encouraged (through the points and advertising) to participate in the AEP program (and not only those students doing poorly,) and so there is no differentiation between students, which could be stigmatizing. Our studies show that even students with high grade averages see an advantage, and we aim to run activities so that students who do well also feel included in the discussions.
Instructor participation
The participation by the instructor can range from minimal to very involved, depending on the instructor's interest. Read more about instructor involvement.
Learn more about the AEP
The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) is a collaborative program between the School of Computing Science (CS) and the Student Learning Commons (SLC) at Simon Fraser University. The program co-developers and co-coordinators are Diana Cukierman, faculty member in the School of Computing Science, and Donna McGee Thompson, Head of the Student Learning Commons. The AEP program has also been expanded to the School of Engineering Science (ENSC) and we are working with other Faculties to incorporate this program .
The AEP aims to proactively help students succeed in their university studies. It incorporates learning activities within the course timetables of core first-year CS and ENSC courses and inform students about further resources. Several workshops have been developed for the program, to be run specifically for the CS/ENSC courses, tailored to course topics and facilitated by at least one learning specialist and one discipline specialist. The AEP also provides the option of an "Assignment" component that encourages students to learn about a topic of their choice related to student success, wellness and connected to their discipline of study. The assignment directs students to write a self-reflective report, making use of already existing resources such as workshops, readings and videos at other departments, such as the SLC and world wide.
There is only one intervention per course, be it a course-associated workshop or the elective assignment. Students receive course marks for these activities, up to 3% of the course grade, in agreement with the course instructor. We also suggest optional related activities to do in class to reinforce concepts seen in the AEP activity.
To date, more than 5,000 students have been served, spanning more than 12 years, 3 semesters per year of offering this program. We collect data as we run the program, including anonymous surveys and data which students consent to share for our evaluations and educational research. The collection of data has been approved by the Office of Research Ethics at Simon Fraser University.
Besides the program coordinators, who usually co-facilitate the workshops, other people are and or have been actively involved in our program: Greg Baker, CS faculty member, workshop co-facilitator, and CS coordinator during 2011, Cynthia Wright, Yosef Wosk Student Learning Commons Coordinator and co-facilitator of AEP workshops at the Surrey campus; Sheryl Gulloy, Psychology of Education Ph.D., research assistant; Farimah Salimi, Educational Technology and Learning Design Masters, research assistant; Piper Jackson, Computing Science Ph.D. research assistant and workshops co-facilitator; John Edgar, CS faculty member and workshops co-facilitator at the Surrey campus, Rylan Egan, Psychology of Education Ph.D. , research assistant; Maggie Karpilovsky, Masters in the Faculty of Education, workshop co-facilitator and research assistant; Jiang Ye, Masters in Computing Science and CS instructor, workshops co-facilitator , Alicja Pierzynska CS instructor, workshop co-facilitator. Computing Science TAs and SLC graduate facilitators are also regularly actively invovled in the program.
The AEP program started in the Summer 2006 semester as a pilot. After some iterations and revisions the AEP program has become established and it is currently a requirement in select lower division CS and ENSC courses. We are also working in a collaboration project with the Computing Science Institute and the Learning Unit at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Uruguay, where a program analogous to the AEP was developed, having already offered several workshop sessions since the Fall 2011 and Summer 2012 semesters. Currently the AEP is supported by the School of Computing Science and the Student Learning Commons. Research has been supported by The Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines, at Simon Fraser University and by a Teaching And Learning large grant. The Faculty of Applied Sciences Dean's office and the School of Engineering Science are also providing support.
In 2014 the AEP was recognized as one of two “2014 SFU Champions for a Healthy Campus Community”. A documentary film appears in:
Selected refereed publications and invited talks:
- Cukierman D., McGee Thompson D., Sun W. (2019). The Academic Enhancement Program: Assessing Programs Designed to Support Student Success. Proceedings of SIGCSE 2019, the 50th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education. February 2019. Minneapolis, MN, USA. ACM.
- McGee Thompson D., Cukierman D., Guloy S., Salimi F. (2017). Preparing a diverse student population for postsecondary and beyond: The Academic Enhancement Program. Learning Specialists Association of Canada - National (LSAC). May 2017, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Guloy S., Salimi F. , Cukierman D. , McGee Thompson D. (2017) Insights on supporting learning during computing science and engineering students’ transition to university: A design-oriented, mixed methods exploration of instructor and student perspectives. Higher Education Journal. Special Issue: Transition to Higher Education, DOI: 10.1007/s10734-016-0097-6: Springer
- McGee Thompson, D., Cukierman, D., Guloy, S., & Salimi, F. (2016) How do we encourage students to self-regulate? A workshop designed to support student learning in first-year computing science and engineering. Paper presentation, Learning Specialists Association of Canada (LSAC) Pacific Region Conference: From Self-Regulation to Mindfulness, May 2016, Capilano University: North Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Cukierman, D.(2015) Predicting Success in University First Year Computing Science Courses: The Role of Student Participation in Reflective Learning Activities and in I-clicker activities. Proceedings of ITICSE 2015, 20th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 2015: ACM
- McGee-Thompson D., Guloy S., Cukierman D., Salimi F. (2015) "Aligning values and practice in academic settings: Reflections from a study involving instructors’ and students’ perspectives about learning" . STLHE 2015, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education conference, June 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
- Cukierman D., McGee Thompson D., Guloy S., Salimi F., & Karpilovsky M. (2014). Challenges students face in first-year university Computing Science and Engineering courses: Overview of a needs assessment and workshop. Proceedings of WCCCE 2014 Western Canadian Conference on Computing Science Education, Vancouver, Canada: ACM
- Cukierman D., McGee Thompson D., Salimi F., & Guloy S., (2014). Challenging first-year computing science and engineering students' ideas about learning: The making of a workshop. 14th Annual Symposium on Teaching and Learning: Provocative Pedagogy. Burnaby, Canada, May 2014.
- Guloy S., Salimi F., Cukierman D., McGee Thompson D., & Karpilovsky M. (2014).
"What kind of learning? Exploring faculty and student perspectives on learning strategies and attitudes in engineering and computer science". European Association for Research on Learnign and Instruction conference (EARLI 2014), Special Interest Groups SIG 4 & SIG 17 "Higher Education" and "Qualitative and quantitative approaches to learning and instruction". Leuven, Belgium, August 2014.
- Cukierman D. (2013). "Seminario: Aprender a Aprender. Como Ayudar a Nuestros Estudiantes" (Seminar: Learn to Learn. How to help our students). Invited presenter, half day professional development seminar for university faculty members, University of Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2013.
- Cukierman D., daRosa S. (2012). "Programa de Mejoramiento de la Experiencia Educativa: Introduciendo a los estudiantes a estrategias de estudio y reflexión" . (Educational Experience Enhancement Program: Introducing students to study strategies and reflection"), Escuela Superior de Informatica (Superior School of Informatics), Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo Uruguay, May 2012.
- Cukierman D. (2011c). "Apoyando a los estudiantes a "aprender a aprender". El Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) y el Programa de Mejoramiento de la Experiencia Educativa (PMEE): Un proyecto conjunto Uruguay/Canada". (Supporting students to " learn to learn". The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) and the Education Experience Enhancement Program (PMEE). A joint project Uruguay/Canada). Invited talk at the Instituto de Computación (InCo), (Institute of Computing Science), Facultad de Ingeniería (Faculty of Engineering), Montevideo, Uruguay, October 2011.
- Cukierman D. (2011b). "The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) in Computing Science at Simon Fraser University: Introducing students to learning strategies". Invited talk at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computing Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, September 2011.
- Cukierman D. (2011). "The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) in Computing Science at Simon Fraser University: Introducing students to learning strategies". Invited talk at the Department of Education in Technology and Science, Technion, Haifa, Israel, January 2011.
- Egan R., Cukierman D. and McGee Thompson D (2011). "The Academic Enhancement Program in Introductory CS: A Workshop Framework Description and Evaluation". Proceedings of ITICSE 2011, 16th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Darmstadt, Germany, June 2011, 278-282: ACM
- Cukierman, D., & McGee Thompson, D. (2009). "The Academic Enhancement Program: Encouraging students to learn about learning as part of their computing science courses". SIGCSE Bulletin, 41(3), 171-175, September 2009. Also in Proceedings of ITICSE 2009, 14th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2009, Paris: ACM
- McGee Thompson, D., Cukierman, D. & Karpilovsky, M.(2009). The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) in Computing Science at SFU: Incorporating explorations of learning styles into first-year CS courses. McGraw-Hill Ryerson First Year in Focus conference, SFU, May 2009.
- Cukierman D., & McGee Thompson, D. (2008). "The Academic Enhancement Program in Computing Science: Helping students succeed in post-secondary studies; Listening to students' voices as we expand". Proceedings of WCCCE 2008, 13th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, Victoria, B.C.
- McGee Thompson, D. & Cukierman, D. (2008). The Academic Enhancement Program in Computing Science at SFU. Invited talk at the Learning Specialists Association of British Columbia (LSABC) spring conference, Capilano University, May 2008.
- McGee Thompson, D. & Cukierman, D. The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) in Computing Science at SFU: Understanding today's students and helping them succeed by integrating learning strategies into the classroom. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Teaching, Learning & Technology Conference, SFU, May 2008.
- Cukierman D., & McGee Thompson D. (2007). "Learning strategies sessions within the classroom in CS". SIGCSE Bulletin 39(3), 341. Also Proceedings of ITICSE 2007, 12th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Dundee, Scotland:ACM
- McGee Thompson D. and Cukierman D. (2007). "Learning instruction in the classroom: A model partnering the learning strategies specialist and the course instructor. What do students say?" Invited talk at the Canadian Learning Commons Conference, Vancouver, April 2007.
- McGee Thompson D. and Cukierman D. (2007). "Bringing Learning Support into the Q Classroom: A collaborative project between the Student Learning Commons and the School of Computing Science”, 9th Symposium on Innovative Teaching, Vancouver, May 2007.
AEP readings & helpful links
For the AEP assignment, if you have not found an appropriate workshop to attend, find here some possible readings and activities that you can read/watch/work on (to later report as described in your assignment). You can also choose a relevant reading no included below; in that case please contact the AEP program coordinator, Diana Cukierman, to have it pre-approved.
- Success startegies for online courses, SLC (Student Learnign Commons)
- SLC workshops, webinar recordings
- SLC Video collection
- Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years, or "why a semester doesn't teach you everything, by Peter Norvig."
- Engines for Education , by Schank et. al.
- "Learnign about learning" - Coursera course
- Wellness Wheel
- Compulsive video gaming
- 5 Ways To Successfully Ditch The Digital Distractions
- Students’ use of laptops in class lowers grades: Canadian study
- Randy Pausch Lecture: Achieving your dreams (Time Management)
- Is social media hurting your mental health?
- How social media is rewiring our brains
- What happened when I made my students turn off their phones
- He played for 72 hours straight: South Korea wrestles with video game addiction
- Why Six Hours Of Sleep Is As Bad As None At All
- How to stop procrastinating
Handouts from the SFU Student Learning Commons and other material
- Concentration (pdf)
- ExamAnxiety (pdf)
- ExamPreparation (pdf)
- NoteTaking (pdf)
- Motivation (pdf)
- TimeManagement (pdf)
- ProblemSolving (pdf)
- Procrastination (pdf)
- Reading for University (pdf)
- Academic Success Kits (A.S.K.’s) include the Student Learning Commons' most popular study and writing strategies and resources, available in bite-sized portions you can easily access in Canvas. You can self-enroll at this link:
Learning Resources referenced by the SFU Student Learning Commons.
Oher useful links
- SFU Library, Computing Science Resources Page, e.g.: 'Computing for Ordinary Mortals' St. Amant (2013). Call Number: QA 76 S7375 2013
- Khan Academy Online Videos:
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology OpenCourseWare (Recorded Lectures, Sample Exercises/Exams, and more) :
All SFU students are welcome to visit the Student Learning Commons for free and friendly consultations, workshops, and resources on academic writing, study skills, quantitative learning strategies, and English language speaking and listening:
You may also want to visit the Health and Counselling Services for additional resources.
In person workshops will be offered in the Spring 2025 semester for CMPT 120 students. Further details will be announced.
For student inquiries and general interest please contact the AEP program coordinator:
Diana Cukierman