Thomas C. Shermer

Professor, School of Computing Science


TASC 1 8021
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B.E.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, United States, 1984
Ph.D. Computer Science, McGill University, Canada, 1989

Research interests

  • Software engineering: tools and methods
  • Compiler construction
  • Program transformations
  • Theoretical computer networks
  • Computational geometry

Teaching interests

  • Improving the ability of students to write programs: code construction, object-oriented design, patterns, and software development methods.
  • Encouraging style and readability in programming.
  • Increasing student understanding of the relationship between high-level language constructs and what the machine is actually doing.

Recently taught courses

  • CMPT 373 Software Development Methods
  • CMPT 379 Compiler Design
  • MACM 101 Discrete Mathematics

Selected recent publications

  • "Parallel Scanning with Bitstream Addition: An XML Case Study,"  Cameron, R., Amiri, E., Herdy, K, Lin, D. , Shermer, T., and Popowich, F. , Proceedings Euro-Par 2011, LNCS 6853, Part II, 2-13, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
  • "Nonadaptive Broadcasting in Trees," Harutyunyan, H., Liestman, A., Makino, K., and Shermer, T., Networks, v57, #2, 157-168, 2011.
  • "Edge-disjoint Spanners in Tori," Liestman, A., Shermer, T., and Stacho, L., Discrete Mathematics, v309, #8, 2239-2249, 2009.

on the DBLP CS Bibliography Server.