Relationship Building

Facing trauma and trying to cope with troubling thoughts and emotions can lead to social isolation and fear of reaching out. However, developing and maintaining an effective support system is critical to our mental health.

In this course, you will discover best practices in developing effective support systems, both at home and at work. The course is designed for and from a first responder perspective and addresses challenges around shift work, absences from home, and work/life balance for the families of first responders.

You will gain a deeper understanding of the connection between relationships at work, home, and the broader community and positive mental health, including the importance of developing relationships in the key relational spheres. You will learn skills and awareness needed to offer support to other first responders and build confidence to initiate challenging conversations at work and at home. You will explore the impact of culture and learn how to incorporate its role in those you interact with at work, at home, and in your community.


Location: Online
Format: Self-paced within deadlines set by instructor
Duration: 5 weeks
Tuition: $350
Can be applied to:
First Responders Trauma Prevention and Recovery Certificate

Upcoming Offerings

Register for a course at any time, with the option to apply to a program later.

Start Date
Seats Available
Start DateTue, Oct 29, 2024
  • Tue, Oct 29 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Nov 5 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Nov 12 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Nov 19 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Nov 26 (self-paced all week)
InstructorNancy Szastkiw
Seats Available27
Start DateTue, Jun 10, 2025
  • Tue, Jun 10 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Jun 17 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Jun 24 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Jul 1 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Jul 8 (self-paced all week)
Seats Available30
Start DateTue, Oct 21, 2025
  • Tue, Oct 21 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Oct 28 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Nov 4 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Nov 11 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Nov 18 (self-paced all week)
Seats Available30

What you will learn

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the qualities of healthy relationships within the family, workplace and community
  • Develop response-building strategies with work colleagues exhibiting traumatic symptomologies
  • Explain how culture impacts workplace relationships
  • Identify existing and potential personal supports
  • Recognize the impact of a first responder's career on families

How you will learn and be evaluated

  • Prepare to spend 6–8 hours per week on coursework
  • Expect reading and other assignments on a weekly basis
  • Plan to access the course at least once every few days to keep up with your work and group assignments

You will be evaluated on:

  • Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Participation in online discussions

To apply this course towards the program certificate, you must achieve a minimum grade of C.

Learning Materials

No textbook is required. We will provide all course materials online.

Technical Requirements

For online courses, you will need a computer with audio and microphone that is connected to the internet. Canvas is the online system that will be used for the course. For more information and online support, visit Online Learning.