
The Wellness Environmental Social Consultancy (WESC), Simon Fraser University, Burnaby B.C., has been working alongside our client, Heart and Stroke Foundation Chair of Cardiovascular Prevention, to develop a web-based mapping service that can inform users in decision-making to have a healthier lifestyle. The main goal is to replicate Vancouver neighborhoods that could influence cardiovascular health, such as availability of greenspaces, community recreation centres, fast food restaurants, and grocery store locations.

We have developed an interactive website and map that users can customize by selecting different layers and attributes gathered from the build environment data. This website is easy to update and maintain, whereby the client in future will be able to expand the map locations to other municipalities when the data becomes available.

Our interactive web map is useful to families of patients with cardiovascular disease, government officials in policy or urban planning, health practitioners, schools, or anyone seeking information on how services and environmental factors in their locale can affect their health.

Report: WESC_Report