Twitter and Obesity

Twitter as a data source


Twitter is a large database that contains valuable statements about people's daily lives. Tweets are considered a qualitative data source because the words are the data. Through encoding and data scraping we can gather insightful information about almost any topic and how people feel about such phenomenon. This method is increasingly being used by researchers to collect data.

What is Twitter?


Twitter is a form of social media people use to express their thoughts, opinions and emotions within 140 characters known as tweets.


Our Goals


To establish and understand how people talk about obesity and healthy living in Vancouver. We want to find common trends within Twitter data to find out how people talk about body weight. We also want to compare and contrast the way people talk about healthy living versus unhealthy living. In order to do this we want to find common words and emotions used to describe similar phenomenon. We also want to establish a socio spatial aspect in our project by mapping our tweets within the Vancouver region.

Meet the crew of YETI Consulting

Scott Hind

Scott is a 4th year human geography student at SFU with a focus on GIS and computing science.




Corey Nelsen

Corey is a 4th year Geography major with a focus in human geography and GIScience.



Gabriel Li

Gabriel is a 4th year Geographic Information Science student at SFU.



Robyn Dutch

Robyn is a 22 year old 4th year Geography major at SFU.



Eric Hsu

Eric is a 4th year undergraduate at SFU.



© YETI Consulting 2015


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