Tong Louie Living Lab

The Tong Louie Living Lab (TLLL) was developed in 1995 with the generous support of an endowment from Dr. Tong Louie. The terms of reference (TOR) were developed in 1995 and revised in 2000. The TLLL was developed as a collaboration between SFU and BCIT with a mission to enhance independent living and quality of life among older adults through person-environment fit and the development and evaluation of environmental and technological innovations.

The current Principal Investigators are Andrew Wister, GRC director, SFU and Jaimie Borisoff, Director, MAKE+, BCIT Applied Research. The TLLL continues to support research consistent with the TOR under the stated mandate: to conduct research and training activities that improve the “fit” between older people and their daily living and working environments, by studying people’s interaction with devices, assistive technology, other products and environmental features.

The BCIT-based Living Lab structure at the main campus has the capacity to develop and test new products. SFU and BCIT arms also collaborate with other research groups, NGOs, and the private sector depending on the research development. In addition to research in a lab-based environment, there are active programs of research (past, present and future), that are conducted in natural or community-based environments, for instance, homes/neighbourhoods of older adults (including homelessness), hospitals that house older adults, supportive/assisted living, long-term care, and other environments.

TLLL collaborations are also pivoting to address issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic that connects environmental adaptation at the person, environment and policy levels. This research is consistent with the TLLL TOR to enhance independence among older adults through person-environment innovations.

The TLLL is guided by a six-member executive steering committee with three members each from both SFU and BCIT.

Executive Steering Committee:


  • Andrew Wister (PI)
  • Gloria Gutman (Co-Lead)
  • Habib Chaudhury


  • Jaimie Borisoff (Co-PI)
  • Johanne Mattie
  • Yvette Jones

To learn more about the recent history of the TLLL, read our Research Activities ReportThree-Year Report, Impact Report or visit BCIT's website at