Coast to Coast Seminar Series: Live from the Calgary, Alberta "Computer Visualization in Urban Planning and Development"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
11:30 - 12:30

Dr. Richard M. Levy
University of Calgary


The use of computer modeling in planning can help communities understanding the role of density, building mass and architectural character in creating urban space. In this presentation case studies will illustrate how urban planners, community groups and developers can use computer visualization to resolve conflict and promote understanding about urban form and development.

About the Speaker

Dr. Levy is a Professor of Planning and Urban Design at The University of Calgary, where he serves as the Director of the Program in Real Estate Development. Since 1996, Dr. Levy has also served as Director of Computing for the Faculty of EVDS. Dr. Levy is a founding member of the Virtual Reality Lab. Dr. Levy speaks at international and national conferences in the fields of virtual reality, 3D imaging, education, archaeology and planning. His published work appears in journals such as Internet Archaeology, IEEE MultiMedia, Journal of Visual Studies, Environment and Planning and Plan Canada.