Johnny Zhang's personal page


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Digital Living

My now old cell phone: Nokia Lumia 920 (Windows Phone 8) with Sears Connect (was on Rogers network).

My desktop computer of 2014: a DIY system.

Animation Domination


how to do returns with Amazon

login your amazon account,

click custome service.

at the bottom of the frame (just above the bottom of the page), click "need more help?"

at the right side, it shows a menu, click "contact us".

now, select "order related",

select "choose different order" - since it shows only the most recent one.

now, select the order you need service with - "load more orders" as needed.

now, look at the order, identify the item(s).

click "tell us more"

then select "more order issues", a list hints/issues/whatever shows up.

select "where is my stuff" - since amazon did receive the returen but you've sent it back, make sense?!

another list shows: "missing item etc.", "" - some of them make sense. 

now, "talk to someone" button shows, select "chat".

now, you could talk with a homo sapien.


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