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Unique faculty delivers shot in the arm to health research

With the creation of a new Faculty of Health Sciences in 2003, SFU affirmed health-related research as a top priority. The unique faculty, which will begin accepting students in 2005, promises to bring a dynamic interdisciplinary approach to new programs in public and population health, epidemiology and bioinformatics, and virology and immunology.

David MacLean, director of SFU’s Institute of Health Research and Education, says the faculty’s research and teaching programs will bridge social and natural science research with a variety of health-related investigations, including: the social roots of disease, organization and social dynamics of clinical practice, factors that control health-related institutions, systems and policies, and population health outcomes based on such factors as health education, socio-economics, genetics and biomedicine.

Currently, more than 120 professors in a variety of disciplines are involved in health-related research at SFU.

For more information
SFU News article

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