Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS/CONNECT User's Guide

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RDISPLAY command
RDISPLAY statement
_recv method, SCL Cnction class
_recv method, SCL Queue class
_recvlist method, SCL Cnction class
_recvlist method, SCL Queue class
remote computing
SEE: RSUBMIT processing
remote data, accessing locally
SEE: remote library services (RLS)
REMOTE engine distribution
remote engines
passing options to
remote graphics processing (example)
remote host spawner
remote library services (RLS)
benefits of
combining with data transfer services, examples
considerations for
data translation
data types supported
in client/server environment
LIBNAME statement, syntax
mixed-type variables, restrictions
reducing network traffic
server librefs, defining
short numeric restrictions
WHERE statements
with PROC SQL views
with SAS views "Considerations for Using RLS"
with SAS views "Using Data Views with Servers"
remote objecting services
remote objecting services, SCL methods
REMOTE= option, RDISPLAY command
REMOTE= option, RDISPLAY statement
REMOTE= option, RGET command
REMOTE= option, RGET statement
REMOTE= option, RSUBMIT command
REMOTE= option, RSUBMIT statement
REMOTE= option, SIGNOFF statement
remote SAS data, subsetting (example)
remote session ids, specifying
SERVER= option
Remote SQL Pass-Through (RSPT)
and compute services "Compute Services and RSPT"
and compute services "Using SAS/CONNECT in a Client/Server Environment"
remote submits
requested-link-not-found message, troubleshooting
_retrieveAgentRunInfo, AGENT class method
RGET command
RGET statement, compute services
RLINK, SCL function
RLS (remote library services)
SEE: remote library services (RLS)
RMTVIEW= option, LIBNAME statement
ROPTIONS= option
RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Toolkit
RSESSION, SCL function
RSPT (Remote SQL Pass-Through)
and compute services "Compute Services and RSPT"
and compute services "Using SAS/CONNECT in a Client/Server Environment"
RSTITLE, SCL function
RSUBMIT command
username naming conventions
RSUBMIT processing
asynchronous remote submits "How to Use Compute Services"
asynchronous remote submits "RSUBMIT Command and RSUBMIT Statement"
considerations for
in client/server environment
introduction to
synchronous remote submits "How to Use Compute Services"
synchronous remote submits "RSUBMIT Command and RSUBMIT Statement"
RSUBMIT statement
username naming conventions
_runAgent, AGENT class method

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