Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS/CONNECT User's Guide

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MACVAR= option
SIGNOFF statement
SIGNON statement
MACVAR= option, RSUBMIT command
MACVAR= option, RSUBMIT statement
many-to-one messaging relationships
member types, transferring (example)
MEMTYPE= option, PROC DOWNLOAD statement
MEMTYPE= option, PROC UPLOAD statement
merging data (example)
message attachments
checking for "QUEUE_ACCEPT"
checking for "QUEUE_COMPLETE"
checking for "QUEUE_GETATT"
message attachments, error handling
message attachments, receiving
catalog attachments
data set attachments
external file attachments
message attachments, SCL interface
catalog attachments, receiving
catalog attachments, sending
data set attachments, receiving
data set attachments, sending
external file attachments, receiving
external file attachments, sending
message attachments, sending
catalog attachments
data set attachments
external file attachments
utility attachments
message queues
closing "_close"
closing "Close a Queue"
closing "QUEUE_CLOSE"
defining parameters "QUEUE_PARMTYPE"
defining parameters "QUEUE_SETPARM"
header information "QUEUE_GETHDR"
header information "QUEUE_SETHDR"
opening "_open"
opening "Open a Queue"
opening "QUEUE_OPEN"
properties "QUEUE_GETPROP"
properties "QUEUE_SETPROP"
properties "_setprop"
querying "_query"
querying "Query a Queue"
querying "QUEUE_QUERY"
receiving messages "QUEUE_GETFLD"
receiving messages "QUEUE_RECV"
receiving messages "Receive a Message from a Queue"
security information "_getsec"
security information "QUEUE_GETSEC"
security information "QUEUE_SETSEC"
security information "_setsec"
sending messages to "QUEUE_SEND"
sending messages to "_send"
sending messages to "Send a Message to a Queue"
sending SCL lists to
messaging services
SEE: direct messaging
SEE ALSO: indirect messaging
SEE: AGENT class methods
SEE ALSO: SCL methods, for remote objecting services
mixed-type variables, RLS restrictions
command for invoking session for
MT= option, PROC DOWNLOAD statement
MT= option, PROC UPLOAD statement
MTYPE= option, PROC DOWNLOAD statement
MTYPE= option, PROC UPLOAD statement
Multi-Process (MP) CONNECT

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