Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference

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Y variable
input map data sets, GREDUCE procedure
input map data sets, GREMOVE procedure
Institute-supplied map data sets with unprojected variables
map data sets
Y variable, Annotate facility
YC variable, Annotate facility
YLAST variable, Annotate facility
YLIGHT= option, PRISM statement
purpose and use
YLSTT variable, Annotate facility
YMAX device parameter
determination of graphics output size
purpose and use
YPIXELS device parameter
purpose and use
YSIZE= option
BLOCK statement
CHORO statement
PRISM statement
SURFACE statement
YSYS variable, Annotate facility
YTICKNUM= option, PLOT statement (G3D)
purpose and use
rotating surface plot, example
YTICKNUM= option, PLOT statement (GCONTOUR)
YTICKNUM= option, SCATTER statement (G3D)
purpose and use
rotating scatter plot, example
YTYPE= option, PLOT statement (G3D)
YVIEW= option
BLOCK statement (GMAP)
PRISM statement

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