Chapter Contents
Chapter Contents
The CALIS Procedure

Output Data Sets

OUTEST= SAS-data-set

The OUTEST= (or OUTVAR=) data set is of TYPE=EST and contains the final parameter estimates, the gradient, the Hessian, and boundary and linear constraints. For METHOD=ML, METHOD=GLS, and METHOD=WLS, the OUTEST= data set also contains the approximate standard errors, the information matrix (crossproduct Jacobian), and the approximate covariance matrix of the parameter estimates ((generalized) inverse of the information matrix). If there are linear or nonlinear equality or active inequality constraints at the solution, the OUTEST= data set also contains Lagrange multipliers, the projected Hessian matrix, and the Hessian matrix of the Lagrange function.

The OUTEST= data set can be used to save the results of an optimization by PROC CALIS for another analysis with either PROC CALIS or another SAS procedure. Saving results to an OUTEST= data set is advised for expensive applications that cannot be repeated without considerable effort.

The OUTEST= data set contains the BY variables, two character variables _TYPE_ and _NAME_, t numeric variables corresponding to the parameters used in the model, a numeric variable _RHS_ (right-hand side) that is used for the right-hand-side value bi of a linear constraint or for the value f=f(x) of the objective function at the final point x* of the parameter space, and a numeric variable _ITER_ that is set to zero for initial values, set to the iteration number for the OUTITER output, and set to missing for the result output.

The _TYPE_ observations in Table 19.5 are available in the OUTEST= data set, depending on the request.

Table 19.5: _TYPE_ Observations in the OUTEST= data set
_TYPE_ Description
ACTBCIf there are active boundary constraints at the solution x*, three observations indicate which of the parameters are actively constrained, as follows.

_NAME_ Description
GEindicates the active lower bounds
LEindicates the active upper bounds
EQindicates the active masks

COVcontains the approximate covariance matrix of the parameter estimates; used in computing the approximate standard errors.
COVRANKcontains the rank of the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates.
CRPJ_LFcontains the Hessian matrix of the Lagrange function (based on CRPJAC).
CRPJACcontains the approximate Hessian matrix used in the optimization process. This is the inverse of the information matrix.
EQIf linear constraints are used, this observation contains the ith linear constraint \sum_j a_{ij} x_j = b_i. The parameter variables contain the coefficients aij, j = 1, ... ,n, the _RHS_ variable contains bi, and _NAME_=ACTLC or _NAME_=LDACTLC.
GEIf linear constraints are used, this observation contains the ith linear constraint \sum_j a_{ij} x_j \geq b_i. The parameter variables contain the coefficients aij, j = 1, ... ,n, and the _RHS_ variable contains bi. If the constraint i is active at the solution x*, then _NAME_=ACTLC or _NAME_=LDACTLC.
GRADcontains the gradient of the estimates.
GRAD_LFcontains the gradient of the Lagrange function. The _RHS_ variable contains the value of the Lagrange function.
HESSIANcontains the Hessian matrix.
HESS_LFcontains the Hessian matrix of the Lagrange function (based on HESSIAN).
INFORMATcontains the information matrix of the parameter estimates (only for METHOD=ML, METHOD=GLS, or METHOD=WLS).
INITIALcontains the starting values of the parameter estimates.
JACNLCcontains the Jacobian of the nonlinear constraints evaluated at the final estimates.
JACOBIANcontains the Jacobian matrix (only if the OUTJAC option is used).
LAGM BCcontains Lagrange multipliers for masks and active boundary constraints.

_NAME_ Description
GEindicates the active lower bounds
LEindicates the active upper bounds
EQindicates the active masks

LAGM LCcontains Lagrange multipliers for linear equality and active inequality constraints in pairs of observations containing the constraint number and the value of the Lagrange multiplier.

_NAME_ Description
LEC_NUMnumber of the linear equality constraint
LEC_VALcorresponding Lagrange multiplier value
LIC_NUMnumber of the linear inequality constraint
LIC_VALcorresponding Lagrange multiplier value

LAGM NLCcontains Lagrange multipliers for nonlinear equality and active inequality constraints in pairs of observations containing the constraint number and the value of the Lagrange multiplier.

_NAME_ Description
NLEC_NUMnumber of the nonlinear equality constraint
NLEC_VALcorresponding Lagrange multiplier value
NLIC_NUMnumber of the linear inequality constraint
NLIC_VALcorresponding Lagrange multiplier value

LEIf linear constraints are used, this observation contains the ith linear constraint \sum_j a_{ij} x_j \leq b_i. The parameter variables contain the coefficients aij, j = 1, ... ,n, and the _RHS_ variable contains bi. If the constraint i is active at the solution x*, then _NAME_=ACTLC or _NAME_=LDACTLC.
LOWERBD | LBIf boundary constraints are used, this observation contains the lower bounds. Those parameters not subjected to lower bounds contain missing values. The _RHS_ variable contains a missing value, and the _NAME_ variable is blank.
NACTBCAll parameter variables contain the number nabc of active boundary constraints at the solution x*. The _RHS_ variable contains a missing value, and the _NAME_ variable is blank.
NACTLCAll parameter variables contain the number nalc of active linear constraints at the solution x* that are recognized as linearly independent. The _RHS_ variable contains a missing value, and the _NAME_ variable is blank.
NLC_EQ NLC_GE NLC_LEcontains values and residuals of nonlinear constraints. The _NAME_ variable is described as follows.

_NAME_ Description
NLCinactive nonlinear constraint
NLCACTlinear independent active nonlinear constr.
NLCACTLDlinear dependent active nonlinear constr.

NLDACTBCcontains the number of active boundary constraints at the solution x* that are recognized as linearly dependent. The _RHS_ variable contains a missing value, and the _NAME_ variable is blank.
NLDACTLCcontains the number of active linear constraints at the solution x* that are recognized as linearly dependent. The _RHS_ variable contains a missing value, and the _NAME_ variable is blank.
_NOBS_contains the number of observations.
PARMScontains the final parameter estimates. The _RHS_ variable contains the value of the objective function.
PCRPJ_LFcontains the projected Hessian matrix of the Lagrange function (based on CRPJAC).
PHESS_LFcontains the projected Hessian matrix of the Lagrange function (based on HESSIAN).
PROJCRPJcontains the projected Hessian matrix (based on CRPJAC).
PROJGRADIf linear constraints are used in the estimation, this observation contains the n - nact values of the projected gradient gZ = Z'g in the variables corresponding to the first n-nact parameters. The _RHS_ variable contains a missing value, and the _NAME_ variable is blank.
PROJHESScontains the projected Hessian matrix (based on HESSIAN).
SIGSQcontains the scalar factor of the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates.
STDERRcontains approximate standard errors (only for METHOD=ML, METHOD=GLS, or METHOD=WLS).
TERMINATThe _NAME_ variable contains the name of the termination criterion.
UPPERBD | UBIf boundary constraints are used, this observation contains the upper bounds. Those parameters not subjected to upper bounds contain missing values. The _RHS_ variable contains a missing value, and the _NAME_ variable is blank.
If the technique specified by the TECH= option cannot be performed (for example, no feasible initial values can be computed, or the function value or derivatives cannot be evaluated at the starting point), the OUTEST= data set may contain only some of the observations (usually only the PARMS and GRAD observations).

OUTRAM= SAS-data-set

The OUTRAM= data set is of TYPE=RAM and contains the model specification and the computed parameter estimates. This data set is intended to be reused as an INRAM= data set to specify good initial values in a subsequent analysis by PROC CALIS. For a structural equation model, after some alterations, this data set can be used for plotting a path diagram by the NETDRAW procedure, a SAS/OR procedure.

The OUTRAM= data set contains the following variables:

Each observation with _TYPE_ =MODEL defines one matrix in the generalized COSAN model. The additional variables are as follows.

Table 19.6: Additional Variables when _TYPE_=MODEL
Variable Contents
_NAME_name of the matrix (character)
_MATNR_number for the term and matrix in the model (numeric)
_ROW_matrix row number (numeric)
_COL_matrix column number (numeric)
_ESTIM_first matrix type (numeric)
_STDERR_second matrix type (numeric)

If the generalized COSAN model has only one matrix term, the _MATNR_ variable contains only the number of the matrix in the term. If there is more than one term, then it is the term number multiplied by 10,000 plus the matrix number (assuming that there are no more than 9,999 matrices specified in the COSAN model statement).

Each observation with _TYPE_ =ESTIM defines one element of a matrix in the generalized COSAN model. The variables are used as follows.

Table 19.7: Additional Variables when _TYPE_=ESTIM
Variable Contents
_NAME_name of the parameter (character)
_MATNR_term and matrix location of parameter (numeric)
_ROW_row location of parameter (numeric)
_COL_column location of parameter (numeric)
_ESTIM_parameter estimate or constant value (numeric)
_STDERR_standard error of estimate (numeric)

For constants rather than estimates, the _STDERR_ variable is 0. The _STDERR_ variable is missing for ULS and DWLS estimates if NOSTDERR is specified or if the approximate standard errors are not computed.

Each observation with _TYPE_ =VARNAME defines a column variable name of a matrix in the generalized COSAN model.

The observations with _TYPE_=METHOD and _TYPE_=STAT are not used to build the model. The _TYPE_=METHOD observation contains the name of the estimation method used to compute the parameter estimates in the _NAME_ variable. If METHOD=NONE is not specified, the _ESTIM_ variable of the _TYPE_=STAT observations contains the information summarized in Table 19.8 (described in the section "Assessment of Fit").

Table 19.8: _ESTIM_ Contents for _TYPE_=STAT
Nsample size
NPARMnumber of parameters used in the model
DFdegrees of freedom
N_ACTnumber of active boundary constraints
 for ML, GLS, and WLS estimation
FITfit function
GFIgoodness-of-fit index (GFI)
AGFIadjusted GFI for degrees of freedom
RMRroot mean square residual
PGFIparsimonious GFI of Mulaik et al. (1989)
CHISQUARoverall \chi^2
P_CHISQprobability  \gt \chi^2
CHISQNULnull (baseline) model \chi^2
RMSEAESTSteiger & Lind's (1980) RMSEA index estimate
RMSEALOBlower range of RMSEA confidence interval
RMSEAUPBupper range of RMSEA confidence interval
P_CLOSFTBrowne & Cudeck's (1993) probability of close fit
ECVI_ESTBrowne & Cudeck's (1993) ECV index estimate
ECVI_LOBlower range of ECVI confidence interval
ECVI_UPBupper range of ECVI confidence interval
COMPFITIBentler's (1989) comparative fit index
ADJCHISQadjusted \chi^2 for elliptic distribution
P_ACHISQprobability corresponding adjusted \chi^2
RLSCHISQreweighted least-squares \chi^2 (only ML estimation)
AICAkaike's information criterion
CAICBozdogan's consistent information criterion
SBCSchwarz's Bayesian criterion
CENTRALIMcDonald's centrality criterion
PARSIMONParsimonious index of James, Mulaik, and Brett
ZTESTWHz test of Wilson and Hilferty
BB_NONORBentler-Bonett (1980) nonnormed index \rho
BB_NORMDBentler-Bonett (1980) normed index \Delta
BOL_RHO1Bollen's (1986) normed index \rho_1
BOL_DEL2Bollen's (1989a) nonnormed index \Delta_2
CNHOELTHoelter's critical N index

You can edit the OUTRAM= data set to use its contents for initial estimates in a subsequent analysis by PROC CALIS, perhaps with a slightly changed model. But you should be especially careful for _TYPE_=MODEL when changing matrix types. The codes for the two matrix types are listed in Table 19.9.

Table 19.9: Matrix Type Codes
Code First Matrix Type Description
1:IDEidentity matrix
2:ZIDzero:identity matrix
3:DIAdiagonal matrix
4:ZDIzero:diagonal matrix
5:LOWlower triangular matrix
6:UPPupper triangular matrix
7: temporarily not used
8:SYMsymmetric matrix
9:GENgeneral-type matrix
10:BETidentity minus general-type matrix
11:PERselection matrix
12: first matrix (J) in LINEQS model statement
13: second matrix ({\beta}) in LINEQS model statement
14: third matrix ({\gamma}) in LINEQS model statement
CodeSecond Matrix TypeDescription
0: noninverse model matrix
1:INVinverse model matrix
2:IMI'identity minus inverse' model matrix

OUTSTAT= SAS-data-set

The OUTSTAT= data set is similar to the TYPE=COV, TYPE=UCOV, TYPE=CORR, or TYPE=UCORR data set produced by the CORR procedure. The OUTSTAT= data set contains the following variables:

The OUTSTAT= data set contains the following information (when available):

In addition, if the FACTOR model statement is used, the OUTSTAT= data set contains:

Each observation in the OUTSTAT= data set contains some type of statistic as indicated by the _TYPE_ variable. The values of the _TYPE_ variable are given in Table 19.10.

Table 19.10: _TYPE_ Observations in the OUTSTAT= data set
_TYPE_ Contents
STDstandard deviations
USTDuncorrected standard deviations
SKEWNESSunivariate skewness
KURTOSISunivariate kurtosis
Nsample size
SUMWGTsum of weights (if WEIGHT statement is used)
COVcovariances analyzed
CORRcorrelations analyzed
UCOVuncorrected covariances analyzed
UCORRuncorrected correlations analyzed
ULSPREDULS predicted model values
GLSPREDGLS predicted model values
MAXPREDML predicted model values
WLSPREDWLS predicted model values
DWLSPREDDWLS predicted model values
ULSNRESULS normalized residuals
GLSNRESGLS normalized residuals
MAXNRESML normalized residuals
WLSNRESWLS normalized residuals
DWLSNRESDWLS normalized residuals
ULSSRESULS variance standardized residuals
GLSSRESGLS variance standardized residuals
MAXSRESML variance standardized residuals
WLSSRESWLS variance standardized residuals
DWLSSRESDWLS variance standardized residuals
ULSASRESULS asymptotically standardized residuals
GLSASRESGLS asymptotically standardized residuals
MAXASRESML asymptotically standardized residuals
WLSASRESWLS asymptotically standardized residuals
DWLSASRSDWLS asymptotically standardized residuals
UNROTATEunrotated factor loadings
FCORRmatrix of factor correlations
UNIQUE_Vunique variances
TRANSFORtransformation matrix of rotation
LOADINGSrotated factor loadings
STD_LOADstandardized factor loadings
LSSCORElatent variable (or factor) score regression coefficients for ULS method
SCORElatent variable (or factor) score regression coefficients other than ULS method

The _NAME_ variable contains the name of the manifest variable corresponding to each row for the covariance, correlation, predicted, and residual matrices and contains the name of the latent variable in case of factor regression scores. For other observations, _NAME_ is blank.

The unique variances and rotated loadings can be used as starting values in more difficult and constrained analyses.

If the model contains latent variables, the OUTSTAT= data set also contains the latent variable score regression coefficients and the predicted covariances between latent and manifest variables.

You can use the latent variable score regression coefficients with PROC SCORE to compute factor scores. If the analyzed matrix is a (corrected or uncorrected) covariance rather than a correlation matrix, the _TYPE_=STD or _TYPE_=USTD observation is not included in the OUTSTAT= data set. In this case, the standard deviations can be obtained from the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix. Dropping the _TYPE_=STD or _TYPE_=USTD observation prevents PROC SCORE from standardizing the observations before computing the factor scores.

OUTWGT= SAS-data-set

You can create an OUTWGT= data set that is of TYPE=WEIGHT and contains the weight matrix used in generalized, weighted, or diagonally weighted least-squares estimation. The inverse of the weight matrix is used in the corresponding fit function. The OUTWGT= data set contains the weight matrix on which the WRIDGE= and the WPENALTY= options are applied. For unweighted least-squares or maximum likelihood estimation, no OUTWGT= data set can be written. The last weight matrix used in maximum likelihood estimation is the predicted model matrix (observations with _TYPE_ =MAXPRED) that is included in the OUTSTAT= data set.

For generalized and diagonally weighted least-squares estimation, the weight matrices W of the OUTWGT= data set contain all elements wij, where the indices i and j correspond to all manifest variables used in the analysis. Let varnami be the name of the ith variable in the analysis. In this case, the OUTWGT= data set contains n observations with variables as displayed in the following table.

Table 19.11: Contents of OUTWGT= data set for GLS and DWLS Estimation
Variable Contents
_TYPE_WEIGHT (character)
_NAME_name of variable varnami (character)
varnam1weight wi1 for variable varnam1 (numeric)
varnamnweight win for variable varnamn (numeric)

For weighted least-squares estimation, the weight matrix W of the OUTWGT= data set contains only the nonredundant elements wij,kl. In this case, the OUTWGT= data set contains n(n+1)(2n+1)/6 observations with variables as follows.

Table 19.12: Contents of OUTWGT= data set for WLS Estimation
Variable Contents
_TYPE_WEIGHT (character)
_NAME_name of variable varnami (character)
_NAM2_name of variable varnamj (character)
_NAM3_name of variable varnamk (character)
varnam1weight wij,k1 for variable varnam1 (numeric)
varnamnweight wij,kn for variable varnamn (numeric)

Symmetric redundant elements are set to missing values.

Chapter Contents
Chapter Contents

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