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The CALIS Procedure

Use of Optimization Techniques

No algorithm for optimizing general nonlinear functions exists that will always find the global optimum for a general nonlinear minimization problem in a reasonable amount of time. Since no single optimization technique is invariably superior to others, PROC CALIS provides a variety of optimization techniques that work well in various circumstances. However, you can devise problems for which none of the techniques in PROC CALIS will find the correct solution. All optimization techniques in PROC CALIS use O(n2) memory except the conjugate gradient methods, which use only O(n) of memory and are designed to optimize problems with many parameters.

The PROC CALIS statement NLOPTIONS can be especially helpful for tuning applications with nonlinear equality and inequality constraints on the parameter estimates. Some of the options available in NLOPTIONS may also be invoked as PROC CALIS options. The NLOPTIONS statement can specify almost the same options as the SAS/OR NLP procedure.

Nonlinear optimization requires the repeated computation of

For the criteria used by PROC CALIS, computing the gradient takes more computer time than computing the function value, and computing the Hessian takes much more computer time and memory than computing the gradient, especially when there are many parameters to estimate. Unfortunately, optimization techniques that do not use the Hessian usually require many more iterations than techniques that do use the (approximate) Hessian, and so they are often slower. Techniques that do not use the Hessian also tend to be less reliable (for example, they may terminate at local rather than global optima).

The available optimization techniques are displayed in Table 19.13 and can be chosen by the TECH=name option.

Table 19.13: Optimization Techniques
TECH= Optimization Technique
LEVMARLevenberg-Marquardt Method
TRUREGTrust-Region Method
NEWRAPNewton-Raphson Method with Line Search
NRRIDGNewton-Raphson Method with Ridging
QUANEWQuasi-Newton Methods (DBFGS, DDFP, BFGS, DFP)
DBLDOGDouble-Dogleg Method (DBFGS, DDFP)
CONGRAConjugate Gradient Methods (PB, FR, PR, CD)

Table 19.14 shows, for each optimization technique, which derivatives are needed (first-order or second-order) and what kind of constraints (boundary, linear, or nonlinear) can be imposed on the parameters.

Table 19.14: Derivatives Needed and Constraints Allowed
  Derivatives Constraints
TECH= First Order Second Order Boundary Linear Nonlinear

The Levenberg-Marquardt, trust-region, and Newton-Raphson techniques are usually the most reliable, work well with boundary and general linear constraints, and generally converge after a few iterations to a precise solution. However, these techniques need to compute a Hessian matrix in each iteration. For HESSALG=1, this means that you need about 4(n(n+1)/2)t bytes of work memory (n = the number of manifest variables, t = the number of parameters to estimate) to store the Jacobian and its cross product. With HESSALG=2 or HESSALG=3, you do not need this work memory, but the use of a utility file increases execution time. Computing the approximate Hessian in each iteration can be very time- and memory-consuming, especially for large problems (more than 60 or 100 parameters, depending on the computer used). For large problems, a quasi-Newton technique, especially with the BFGS update, can be far more efficient.

For a poor choice of initial values, the Levenberg-Marquardt method seems to be more reliable.

If memory problems occur, you can use one of the conjugate gradient techniques, but they are generally slower and less reliable than the methods that use second-order information.

There are several options to control the optimization process. First of all, you can specify various termination criteria. You can specify the GCONV= option to specify a relative gradient termination criterion. If there are active boundary constraints, only those gradient components that correspond to inactive constraints contribute to the criterion. When you want very precise parameter estimates, the GCONV= option is useful. Other criteria that use relative changes in function values or parameter estimates in consecutive iterations can lead to early termination when active constraints cause small steps to occur. The small default value for the FCONV= option helps prevent early termination. Using the MAXITER= and MAXFUNC= options enables you to specify the maximum number of iterations and function calls in the optimization process. These limits are especially useful in combination with the INRAM= and OUTRAM= options; you can run a few iterations at a time, inspect the results, and decide whether to continue iterating.

Nonlinearly Constrained QN Optimization

The algorithm used for nonlinearly constrained quasi-Newton optimization is an efficient modification of Powell's (1978a, 1978b, 1982a, 1982b) Variable Metric Constrained WatchDog (VMCWD) algorithm. A similar but older algorithm (VF02AD) is part of the Harwell library. Both VMCWD and VF02AD use Fletcher's VE02AD algorithm (also part of the Harwell library) for positive definite quadratic programming. The PROC CALIS QUANEW implementation uses a quadratic programming subroutine that updates and downdates the approximation of the Cholesky factor when the active set changes. The nonlinear QUANEW algorithm is not a feasible point algorithm, and the value of the objective function need not decrease (minimization) or increase (maximization) monotonically. Instead, the algorithm tries to reduce a linear combination of the objective function and constraint violations, called the merit function.

The following are similarities and differences between this algorithm and VMCWD:

This algorithm is automatically invoked when you specify the NLINCON statement. The nonlinear QUANEW algorithm needs the Jacobian matrix of the first-order derivatives (constraints normals) of the constraints

( \nabla c_i ) = ( \frac{\partial c_i}{\partial x_j} ) , 
 i= 1, ... ,nc, j=1, ... ,n
where nc is the number of nonlinear constraints for a given point x.

You can specify two update formulas with the UPDATE= option:

This algorithm uses its own line-search technique. All options and parameters (except the INSTEP= option) controlling the line search in the other algorithms do not apply here. In several applications, large steps in the first iterations are troublesome. You can specify the INSTEP= option to impose an upper bound for the step size \alpha during the first five iterations. The values of the LCSINGULAR=, LCEPSILON=, and LCDEACT= options, which control the processing of linear and boundary constraints, are valid only for the quadratic programming subroutine used in each iteration of the nonlinear constraints QUANEW algorithm.

Optimization and Iteration History

The optimization and iteration histories are displayed by default because it is important to check for possible convergence problems.

The optimization history includes the following summary of information about the initial state of the optimization.

The optimization history ends with some information concerning the optimization result:

The iteration history generally consists of one line of displayed output containing the most important information for each iteration. The _LIST_ variable (see the "SAS Program Statements" section) also enables you to display the parameter estimates and the gradient in some or all iterations.

The iteration history always includes the following (the words in parentheses are the column header output):

An apostrophe trailing the number of active constraints indicates that at least one of the active constraints is released from the active set due to a significant Lagrange multiplier.

For the Levenberg-Marquardt technique (LEVMAR), the iteration history also includes the following information:

For the Newton-Raphson technique (NRRIDG), the iteration history also includes the following information:

For the Newton-Raphson with line-search technique (NEWRAP), the iteration history also includes

For the Trust-Region technique (TRUREG), the iteration history also includes the following information:

For the quasi-Newton (QUANEW) and conjugate gradient (CONGRA) techniques, the iteration history also includes the following information:

Frequent update restarts (rest) of a quasi-Newton algorithm often indicate numerical problems related to required properties of the approximate Hessian update, and they decrease the speed of convergence. This can happen particularly if the ABSGCONV= termination criterion is too small, that is, when the requested precision cannot be obtained by quasi-Newton optimization. Generally, the number of automatic restarts used by conjugate gradient methods are much higher.

For the nonlinearly constrained quasi-Newton technique, the iteration history also includes the following information:

For the double dogleg technique, the iteration history also includes the following information:

Line-Search Methods

In each iteration k, the (dual) quasi-Newton, hybrid quasi-Newton, conjugate gradient, and Newton-Raphson minimization techniques use iterative line-search algorithms that try to optimize a linear, quadratic, or cubic approximation of the nonlinear objective function f of n parameters x along a feasible descent search direction s(k)
f(x^{(k+1)}) = f(x^{(k)} + \alpha^{(k)} s^{(k)})
by computing an approximately optimal scalar \alpha^{(k)} \gt 0.Since the outside iteration process is based only on the approximation of the objective function, the inside iteration of the line-search algorithm does not have to be perfect. Usually, it is satisfactory that the choice of \alpha significantly reduces (in a minimization) the objective function. Criteria often used for termination of line-search algorithms are the Goldstein conditions (Fletcher 1987).

Various line-search algorithms can be selected by using the LIS= option. The line-search methods LIS=1, LIS=2, and LIS=3 satisfy the left-hand-side and right-hand-side Goldstein conditions (refer to Fletcher 1987). When derivatives are available, the line-search methods LIS=6, LIS=7, and LIS=8 try to satisfy the right-hand-side Goldstein condition; if derivatives are not available, these line-search algorithms use only function calls.

The line-search method LIS=2 seems to be superior when function evaluation consumes significantly less computation time than gradient evaluation. Therefore, LIS=2 is the default value for Newton-Raphson, (dual) quasi-Newton, and conjugate gradient optimizations.

Restricting the Step Length

Almost all line-search algorithms use iterative extrapolation techniques that can easily lead to feasible points where the objective function f is no longer defined (resulting in indefinite matrices for ML estimation) or is difficult to compute (resulting in floating point overflows). Therefore, PROC CALIS provides options that restrict the step length or trust region radius, especially during the first main iterations.

The inner product g's of the gradient g and the search direction s is the slope of f(\alpha) = f(x + \alpha s)along the search direction s with step length \alpha. The default starting value \alpha^{(0)} = \alpha^{(k,0)} in each line-search algorithm ( \min_{\alpha \gt 0} f(x + \alpha s) )during the main iteration k is computed in three steps.

  1. Use either the difference df=|f(k) - f(k-1)| of the function values during the last two consecutive iterations or the final stepsize value \alpha^{\_} of the previous iteration k-1 to compute a first value \alpha_1^{(0)}.
  2. During the first five iterations, the second step enables you to reduce \alpha_1^{(0)} to a smaller starting value \alpha_2^{(0)} using the INSTEP=r option:
    \alpha_2^{(0)} = \min (\alpha_1^{(0)},r)
    After more than five iterations, \alpha_2^{(0)} is set to \alpha_1^{(0)}.
  3. The third step can further reduce the step length by
    \alpha_3^{(0)} = \min (\alpha_2^{(0)},\min(10,u))
    where u is the maximum length of a step inside the feasible region.

The INSTEP=r option lets you specify a smaller or larger radius of the trust region used in the first iteration by the trust-region, double-dogleg, and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The default initial trust region radius is the length of the scaled gradient (Mor\acute{e} 1978). This step corresponds to the default radius factor of r=1. This choice is successful in most practical applications of the TRUREG, DBLDOG, and LEVMAR algorithms. However, for bad initial values used in the analysis of a covariance matrix with high variances, or for highly nonlinear constraints (such as using the EXP function) in your programming code, the default start radius can result in arithmetic overflows. If this happens, you can try decreasing values of INSTEP=r, 0 < r < 1, until the iteration starts successfully. A small factor r also affects the trust region radius of the next steps because the radius is changed in each iteration by a factor 0 \lt c \le 4 depending on the \rho ratio. Reducing the radius corresponds to increasing the ridge parameter \lambda that produces smaller steps directed closer toward the gradient direction.

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