Kieran Duffy

I work with the SFU Starry Nights program, where we invite the public to learn about the cosmos and look through our telescope on campus. I also volunteer for workshops teaching science to kids, and doing physics demonstrations for the public.

What got you into outreach programming?

The exploration of space is the next frontier. Astronomy has been a big part of my life since my dad showed me the stars through his telescope in the back garden when I was a child. General scientific knowledge has also done so much for my own understanding, and for the world at large.  People who understand science are less likely to be fooled by false ideas, and therefore more likely to make good decisions. I think the world is better off if more people are engaged in science, and when more of the public have a basic scientific understanding.

What do you enjoy most about reaching out to young people or the public?

I love it when young people are full of questions and curiosity about the given topic - in their search for further understanding, they are displaying the skills of budding young scientists with their thirst for knowledge. Answering questions for an engaged audience - even if they go way off topic, is always more fun than lecturing to a quiet crowd.

What advice do you have for a young person wanting to pursue outreach as a part of a science?

Do not be intimidated by difficult subjects in school, especially math and science.

"Difficult" just means it takes more work to understand initially. Don't give up if you don't understand a concept at first - given enough time it becomes easy, even the stuff that seems impossible at first. It's just a matter of practice! We too often give up on difficult subjects, not understanding that we were so close to grasping them. Be patient with yourself!

If you could meet one famous person for coffee who would it be?

Marcus Aurelius, the last of the “good emperors” of Rome. Imagine being the richest and most powerful man in the world, but choosing to be humble, self-restrained and virtuous. Though I would need both a medium and a translator.