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Re: Poll: Is your GAL Internal, External, or Both?

We use SunONE LDAP.

Yes....we've noticed GAL is slower as well.  We think that in 5.x there may have been a short delay before Zimbra sent the query to the External LDAP server.  Now in 6.x however....we can see a new query in the LDAP access logs for every single keystroke in autocomplete.  So searching for someone with a last name of "smith" slams the LDAP server with 3-5 separate queries before results get returned.  



That problem was without GALsync though.

So...we configured a GALSync account with an external datasource, the filter contains all our faculty, staff and students...about 23000.  The galsync account works as the autocomplete and GAL Search don't query against the external LDAP anymore, however, something is still hammering our external LDAP server with GAL queries.  We had to point the external GAL to a test server for now as Zimbra pushes the load up above 25 and makes the LDAP server useless.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rich Graves" <rgraves@carleton.edu>
To: "zimbra-hied-admins" <zimbra-hied-admins@sfu.ca>
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 10:25:54 AM
Subject: Re: Poll:  Is your GAL Internal, External, or Both?

External GAL, because we are maintaining the data there already.

Running 6.0.4, with a galsync account.

Not happy with it.

In the web client, GAL is dramatically slower than under 5.x. Previously, it would keep up with your keystrokes. Now, it takes between 0.5 and 5 seconds. Subsequent runs tend to be faster, but never as fast as 5.x. I haven't had time to troubleshoot this thoroughly.

I turned on galsync because some of what I was reading suggested it was necessary for Outlook. Despite the resources-in-GAL being flagged as fixed, I ended up having to create two data sources, one external LDAP and the other polling Zimbra LDAP for (&(objectClass=zimbracalendarresource)(mail=*)(zimbraAccountStatus=active)(!(zimbraHideInGAL=TRUE))).
Rich Graves http://claimid.com/rcgraves
Carleton.edu Sr UNIX and Security Admin
CMC135: 507-222-7079 Cell: 952-292-6529