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Re: Zimbra 7 - anyone migrated?

He have not made the jump yet, but we are evaluating.  Here are some
of the things we currently have on our list of issues and unknowns.
Hopefully others can contribute and share their experiences.

[X] When using the calendar scheduling and adding people via auto
    complete from the GAL, it results in that particular address
    being duplicated in the invitation list.

        FIX: Known bug (59948) scheduled to be fixed in 7.1.2.

[X] * Changing password in Admin GUI or zmprov commands results in an error

        2011-05-10 11:47:34,228 INFO  [btpool0-1://HOSTNAME:7071/service/admin/soap/SetPasswordRequest] [name=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX;ip=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX;ua=ZimbraWebClient - FF3.0 (Linux);] SoapEngine - handler exception com.zimbra. common.service.ServiceException: system failure: change password listener syncListener for account XXXXXX@purdue.edu not found

        FIX:  clear zimbraPasswordChangeListener attribute
        $ zmprov md DOMAIN zimbraPasswordChangeListener ''

[ ] Zimlet selection is different.  Need to determine which zimlets
    are no longer available, and which zimlets are new and make sure
    they are installed as appropriate.

[X] The zmail and yahoo themes are no longer available, so all COS's no
    longer need any theme restrictions.  All themes can now be available
    to all COS's.  (Purdue disabled zmail and yahoo previously because
    we had trouble customizing them with our logo).

[ ] Dumpster Feature
        * Where is this stored?  Per mailbox server?
        * Do migrations break access to the dumpster?
        * Retention policies.  Do we need to change from default?
        * Does this only work from the web client?  For Deletions?
          For Restores?

[ ] S/MIME Feature
        * Can we use this?
        * Do we also turn on publishing feature?
        * How are certificates published?  generated?
        * How does a sender find S/MIME certs?  Part of GAL?

[ ] Database Integrity check errors.  Shown as...
    Database errors found.
    /opt/zimbra/mysql/bin/mysqlcheck --defaults-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/my.cnf -S
    /opt/zimbra/db/mysql.sock -A -C -s -u root
     error    : Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `appointment`" o
    dump/reload to fix it!
     error    : Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `data_source_ite
    or dump/reload to fix it!

        FIX: Running,

        results in the errors shown above.

        To fix this problem,

        I will need to run the following script as zimbra


        on the logger system.  Then you will see the following errors:

        $ /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdbintegrityreport
        Database errors found.
        /opt/zimbra/mysql/bin/mysqlcheck --defaults-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/my.cnf
        /opt/zimbra/db/mysql.sock -A -C -s -u root
         Error    : You can't use locks with log tables.
         Error    : You can't use locks with log tables.

        To fix this problem, do the following:
                1. Stop the Zimbra processes
                2. cd /opt/zimbra/db/data/mysql
                3. mv general_log.frm -> /tmp
                4. mv slow_log.frm -> /tmp
                5. Restart Zimbra processes

        Then run the integrity check again.

        This had to be done on the mailbox server, too.  So, probably
        all mySQL servers in the Zimbra cluster.


David A. Halsema                           Mailhub Systems Administrator
Purdue University                          e-mail:  halsema@purdue.edu

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 10:11:10
From: Paul Chauvet <chauvetp@newpaltz.edu>
To: zimbra-hied-admins@sfu.ca
Subject: Zimbra 7 - anyone migrated?

Hello all,

Has anyone yet migrated from Zimbra 6.x to 7.x? If so, would you recommend others do the same? Are there any major issues you or your users are having?

We were bit here by migrating to 6.0.5 (with all its auto complete bugs) and are very hesitant about jumping in if there are any major issues. I've done a good deal of testing on a 7.1 test system along with some of my staff, but there are always things that don't come up in small scale testing that come up in a production launch.

Thanks for any info those who have already migrated can provide.

Paul Chauvet
State University of New York at New Paltz