
MusiCog is written as a 64-bit Objective-C framework, using Automatic Reference Counting. The framework is required by the Max external, which means you’ll have to be running Max 6.1 or later, in 64-bit mode. There is a copy of the framework in the external’s bundle, but loading it seems to be a bit moody on some systems. If you're have problems then download the MusiCog framework separately and install it in /Library/Frameworks (you could also get it from inside the external’s bundle, if you’re tricky). The MusiCog framework depends upon VVMIDI for MIDI I/O, so it won’t run properly with VV frameworks installed. Once again, these are included in the external’s bundle, but if you’re having problems loading it in Max then installing the VVOpenSource frameworks will probably be the best solution:

You can find out more about the research being conducted at SFU’s MAMAS Lab here: