I am Distinguished SFU Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Simon Fraser University and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. I direct the Discourse Processing Lab.
At SFU, I am also an Associate Member of the Cognitive Science Program and the School of Computing Science. I am a member of the Digital Democracies Institute and the Visual and Interactive Computing Institute.

I am a linguist working at the intersection of discourse analysis and computational linguistics.  In discourse analysis, I study the mechanisms for coherence in discourse. In computational linguistics, I develop methods and algorithms to process and exploit discourse structure in different applications, such as discourse parsing or sentiment analysis.  My research is interdisciplinary, at the boundary between theoretical and applied fields, between the social sciences and engineering.

Current and recent projects:

More information on these projects is available from the site of the Discourse Processing Lab. You can also check a full curriculum vitae (in pdf), or consult my research, teaching and publications pages. The lab also has a GitHub page.