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CIHR Funding News: CIHR President Dr. Alain Beaudet announces his retirement from the public service

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Issue 232

CIHR President Dr. Alain Beaudet announces his retirement from the public service

Dr. Alain Beaudet, President of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), has informed the Minister of Health, the Honourable Jane Philpott and the CIHR Governing Council, of his retirement from the public service and CIHR at the end of March 2017.

During his tenure at CIHR, Dr. Beaudet has spearheaded a number of innovative and transformative domestic health research initiatives such as Canada's Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research, and a major reform of CIHR's open programs and peer review processes. Internationally, he has championed several multilateral research initiatives, notably the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD), of which he is currently Board Chair.

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Canadian Institutes of Health Research
160 Elgin Street, 9th Floor | Address locator 4809A | Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9

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Num�ro 232

Le pr�sident des IRSC, le Dr Alain Beaudet, annonce sa retraite de la fonction publique

Le Dr Alain Beaudet, pr�sident des Instituts de Recherche en Sant� du Canada (IRSC), a inform� la ministre de la sant�, l'honorable Jane Philpott, et le Conseil d'Administration des IRSC, de son intention de quitter la fonction publique et la direction des IRSC � la fin mars 2017.

Au cours de son mandat aux IRSC, le Dr Beaudet a pilot� de nombreuses initiatives nationales d'envergure, telle la Strat�gie de recherche ax�e sur le patient, ainsi qu'une r�forme majeure des programmes de recherche libre et des processus d'�valuation par les pairs. Sur la sc�ne internationale, il s'est fait le champion de plusieurs programmes de collaboration multilat�rale, dont l'Alliance mondiale pour les maladies chroniques, dont il pr�side actuellement le Conseil.

Lire la suite.

Instituts de recherche en sant� du Canada
160, rue Elgin 9 �tage | Indice de l'adresse 4809A | Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9

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