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Upcoming webinars on the 2016-2017 Foundation Grant stage 2 application

The Office of Research Services has received the following information which we are forwarding to our e-mail list members:

Upcoming webinars on the 2016-2017 Foundation Grant stage 2 application

All applicants of the 2016-2017 Foundation Grant competition were recently informed of their stage 1 results. Successful stage 1 applicants have until March 14th to submit their stage 2 application. To assist them in completing their application, they were invited to attend a webinar that will give participants the opportunity to ask questions they may have about the stage 2 application.� As a research administrator, you are also invited to participate. Sessions are being held between February 15th and March 8th.�

To see the complete webinar schedule, to register for a session and for more information, please visit the CIHR Learning activities and resources webinar page.

Should you have any questions in the meantime, please contact the CIHR Contact Centre at: support@cihr-irsc.gc.ca.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research
160 Elgin Street, 9th Floor | Address locator 4809A | Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9

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Webinaires portant sur la demande l��tape�2 du Programme de subventions Fondation de 2016-2017

Tous les candidats au concours de subventions Fondation de 2016-2017 ont r�cemment �t� inform�s de leurs r�sultats � l��tape�1. Les candidats retenus au terme de l��tape�1 ont jusqu�au 14 mars pour soumettre leur demande � l��tape�2. Afin de les aider � pr�parer leur demande, ils ont �t� invit�s � participer � un webinaire qui leur permettra de poser des questions au sujet de la demande � l��tape�2. En tant qu�administrateur de la recherche, vous �tes �galement invit� � participer. Les s�ances auront lieu entre le 15 f�vrier et le 8 mars.

Pour voir la liste compl�te des webinaires pr�vus, pour vous inscrire � une s�ance ou pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter la page Web Ressources et activit�s d�apprentissage des IRSC, volet webinaires.

Entretemps, si vous avez des questions, veuillez communiquer avec l��quipe du Centre de contact des IRSC, � soutien@irsc-cihr.gc.ca.

Instituts de recherche en sant� du Canada
160, rue Elgin 9 �tage | Indice de l'adresse 4809A | Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9

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