Global Infrastructure Resilience: Capturing the Resilience Dividend
In partnership with Infrastructure Canada, ACT contributed an analysis of best practice nature-based solutions (NbS) being applied in Canada to the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) report on Global Infrastructure Resilience.
The CDRI is a consortium of multi-lateral, national, and other relevant agency partners identifying best practice approaches that can be mainstreamed and accelerated to support resilient infrastructure. ACT supported the identification of best practice NbS being applied in Canada to address five key hazard areas: 1) urban heat island and urban flooding, 2) coastal flooding and erosion, 3) riverine flooding, 4) water stress, and 5) landslides and unstable slopes.
The first edition of this biennial report was released in October 2023 and looks to structure the debate on thinking systematically and building resilience proactively, shedding light on innovative strategies, transformative projects, and cutting-edge technologies that are revolutionizing the world’s infrastructure landscapes. Find the Canadian contribution in Chapter 3 - Strengthening Systemic Resilience: Upscaling Nature-based Infrastructure Solutions.
Global Infrastructure Resilience: Capturing the Resilience Dividend. A Biennial Report from the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI).
October 2023