Sustainable Community-Resilient Alternative Mobility (SCRAM)

Transportation significantly impacts climate change and community resilience by shaping access to resources and services, influencing economic stability, and determining the ability to respond to and recover from environmental challenges. Within the Sustainable Community-Resilient Alternative Mobility (SCRAM) team, we are working in partnership with ACT- Action on Climate Team, SFU's Chris Buse, UBC's Amanda Giang, and Mahmudur Fatmi and CREATE (Collaborative Research on Energy, Air Pollution, Transportation and Environment) to examine community-centered urban transportation decarbonization strategies. Utilizing extensive data from the City of Burnaby and Metro Vancouver, alongside advanced modeling tools, we aim to pinpoint opportunities and assess their impact on community resilience. Health impact assessments and considerations of environmental justice are critical components of our mobility recommendations.

As municipalities craft action plans to achieve zero-emission targets, significant opportunities emerge to reduce urban vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT). While fleet electrification remains a prominent focus in both research and policy, it is essential to consider other pathways to decarbonize mobility that do not rely solely on electrification. Reducing VKT can substantially (a) lower emissions, (b) alleviate the immediate need for widespread private vehicle electrification, and (c) enhance climate resiliency while supporting broader community objectives. Expanding mobility options is likely to boost community resilience and sustainability. This project aims to enhance Canadian capabilities in knowledge and tools, assisting community decision-making processes in pursuit of net-zero goals through exploring alternative transportation options.

This project meets Climate Innovation’s goals of being highly impactful and highly collaborative. In addition, the project currently supports 15 Highly Qualified Personnel (HQPs), including post-doctoral researchers, PhD and MASc students, and research assistants from across SFU and UBC.

Funding Agency
NSERC Alliance Mission: Anthropogenic emission sources

Co-Creation Partners
City of Burnaby
Mobi Bike Share
Evo Car Share

SCRAM’s Project Collaborators
Collaborative Research on Energy, Air Pollution, Transportation and Environment (CREATE)