What was a highlight or favourite moment from your time at SFU?
My favourite moment at SFU was presenting the Capstone project with my team, which led to us winning the People’s Choice Award. Becoming a developer was an achievement built up through years of learning and practice since I enrolled in my first course at SFU.
How has your experience at SFU prepared you for your career path?
The theories from lectures and practical experience gained through team projects and internships enabled me to land a full-time job offer. I cherished the abundance of resources the faculty and staff provided me to succeed, and help me become a better person.
What advice would you like to share to students in their first year?
Try to take at least one or two co-ops or internships to gain working experience. Start looking early. During the interviews, be passionate at sharing what you have learned.
What are your current plans?
I’ll start my software developer career at Microsoft where I did my internships. I’ll focus on learning the technologies and skills needed for my job. I also plan to spend more quality time with my husband and twin toddlers.