Our faculty have earned international recognition for their research excellence. The School of Computing Science is proud to have three Canada Research Chairs and a BC Leadership Chair. Additionally, our research faculty have won many prestigious awards including three Royal Society of Canada Fellows, two IEEE Fellows, a SIAM Fellow, a Sloan Fellowship, an NSERC CREATE award and several NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplements (DAS) grants, to name just a few.
Learn more about the research happening in the school
Baghban Karimi, Ouldooz Lecturer | Chair, Computing Science Diversity Committee 778.782.7585 ouldooz@sfu.ca SRYE 5103
Ko, Steven Associate Professor | Associate Director, Research and Industry Relations 778.782.3725 steveyko@sfu.ca TASC1 8019
Mahdavi-Amiri , Ali Assistant Professor | Program chair and Director, Master's in Professional Computer Science amahdavi@sfu.ca TASC1 9405
Tagliasacchi, Andrea Associate Professor | Chair, Visual Computing Research andrea.tagliasacchi@sfu.ca TASC1 9205
Wang, Tianzheng Associate Professor | Dual Degree and Partnerships Programs Director 778.782.4488 tzwang@sfu.ca TASC1 9425
Wiese, Kay C Professor | Software Systems Chair and Program Director 778.782.4180 wiese@sfu.ca TASC1 8229