PIMS / IRMACS 10th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture Series: "Pedagogical Mathematics" + PIMS / IRMACS 10th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture Series: "Pedagogical Mathematics"

Friday, June 15, 2007
16:00 - 17:00

Dr. John Mason
Open University, UK


Finding effective pedagogical tasks for learners of mathematics involves probing mathematical topics which learners often stumble over or struggle with, trying to get at the heart of the shifts and transformations required in what learners attend to and in how they attend to it. In the process, it is common to trip over mathematical questions leading to elementary explorations of over-grown byways from previous generations of mathematical explorers. I will illustrate this process, and invite participants to consider what pedagogic choices they make when selecting tasks for learners to undertake, what criteria they use, and what pedagogical interventions are necessary in order that learners are prompted to engage with the mathematics rather than merely attempt to complete the tasks.

Friday, June 15, 2007
16:00 - 17:00

Dr. John Mason
Open University, UK


Finding effective pedagogical tasks for learners of mathematics involves probing mathematical topics which learners often stumble over or struggle with, trying to get at the heart of the shifts and transformations required in what learners attend to and in how they attend to it. In the process, it is common to trip over mathematical questions leading to elementary explorations of over-grown byways from previous generations of mathematical explorers. I will illustrate this process, and invite participants to consider what pedagogic choices they make when selecting tasks for learners to undertake, what criteria they use, and what pedagogical interventions are necessary in order that learners are prompted to engage with the mathematics rather than merely attempt to complete the tasks.