Summer 2019 - SA 335 D100
Gender Relations and Social Issues (S) (4)
Class Number: 2549
Delivery Method: In Person
Course Times + Location:
Jun 25 – Aug 2, 2019: Tue, Thu, 1:30–5:20 p.m.
Cynthia Patton
Office: AQ 5058
SA 101 or 150 or 201W.
A sociological study of the position of women and men in major social institutions in western industrial societies, in particular Canada. Social institutions that may be examined include: the family, education, the economy, the polity, law, and the mass media. Particular attention will be paid to social policy issues. Students with credit for SA 292 (when offered as gender relations) or GSWS 308 (or WS 308) may not take SA 335 for further credit.
In this course, we will consider the social and cultural construct of “gender,” with a focus on the relationship between the concept of gender and other forms of “difference,” in particular, the concepts of “race” and “sexuality.” Using a collection popular essay, a graphic novel, and academic essays, we will consider this matrix from the perspective of mobility across space and time. We will consider the content of these materials, as well as the characteristics of the various genres and disciplines they represent. In addition, students will develop their own group reading lists (under supervision), as well as identifying additional research materials in the SFU and other databased. We will consider “policy” as a hybrid genre that reflects academic research and deliberative processes. Students will identify policy documents for analysis in class.
Students are encouraged to identify specific questions about immigration/migration/historical mobility that are of interest to them. This intensive courses offers students with an already developed interest in a specific gender/mobility-related topic the opportunity to write a substantial research paper on their chosen topic. Students with broader interests may opt to write several shorter papers on different aspects of a theme, or, they may write papers on different topics as these arise in class.
- Attendance and participation 25%
- Short papers (5 x 10%) 50%
- Final project 25%
Grading: Where a final exam is scheduled and you do not write the exam or withdraw from the course before the deadline date, you will be assigned an N grade. Unless otherwise specified on the course outline, all other graded assignments in this course must be completed for a final grade other than N to be assigned.
Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct Policy: The Department of Sociology and Anthropology follows SFU policy in relation to grading practices, grade appeals (Policy T 20.01) and academic dishonesty and misconduct procedures (S10.01‐S10.04). Unless otherwise informed by your instructor in writing, in graded written assignments you must cite the sources you rely on and include a bibliography/list of references, following an instructor-approved citation style. It is the responsibility of students to inform themselves of the content of SFU policies available on the SFU website:
Course readings will be drawn from the online resources in the SFU collection, including repositories of movement newsletters and materials in order to conduct original research on their social movement.
Registrar Notes:
SFU’s Academic Integrity web site is filled with information on what is meant by academic dishonesty, where you can find resources to help with your studies and the consequences of cheating. Check out the site for more information and videos that help explain the issues in plain English.
Each student is responsible for his or her conduct as it affects the University community. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the values of the University. Furthermore, it is unfair and discouraging to the majority of students who pursue their studies honestly. Scholarly integrity is required of all members of the University.