Spring 2024 - CA 420 D100
Dance Training and Movement Systems VII (4)
Class Number: 6391
Delivery Method: In Person
Course Times + Location:
Jan 8 – Apr 12, 2024: Mon, Wed, Fri, 12:30–2:20 p.m.
GOLDCORPJan 8 – Apr 12, 2024: Tue, Thu, 12:30–2:20 p.m.
Justine Chambers
Lisa Martin
CA (or FPA) 285 and CA (or FPA) 321.
The third upper division courses which build upon the movement vocabulary and practice of contemporary dance. Can be repeated twice for credit.
In this class participants work with both scored improvisational tasks and set movement sequences privileging both the individual and the collective movements of the room. The improvisatory scores propose systems of support from inside and outside of the body, invite the articulation of both joints and flesh, and activate the mind as a catalyst for shifts in sensation and perception. The scores incrementally layer movement strategies while attending to how bodies are made and shaped through practice and culture. This class privileges how our way of thinking about our bodies, creates a felt sense in the body that is malleable in thought and in practice.
The class progresses with set exercises that incrementally move from the horizontal (floor work) to the vertical plane (standing work and air bound action) and encourages another application of the opening score’s propositions. With an openness to the possibility of functional anatomical change, the structured material invites students to explore the precise moments when their bodies are activated into movement.
In this class, guided improvisation and set movement become containers for attention. They are strategies for remaining present, feeling the senses work in concert, and becoming attuned to the perpetual and dynamic negotiations within our body.
- Work Habits 40%
- Mechanics 30%
- Presence and Performance 30%
Each student is encouraged to:-work with curiosity and care for themselves and their cohort
-nurture an interest in the unknown and the unformed
-cultivate rigour and attention to the specificity of movement and qualitative shifts in sensation -arrive with a willingness to maintain a consistent presence in the space
-engage in deep listening, while also developing a practice of verbally articulating the work at hand -question, receive and integrate feedback into your practice
-work simultaneously to make space and take space
Grades will be based on the following:Work Habits 40%: Daily commitment to the working process and an engaged and progressive approach to practice.
Mechanics 30%: Physical understanding of functional alignment and movement principles covered in class.
Presence and Performance 30%: Your commitment, focus and awareness while in practice. The practical integration of performance concepts proposed in the class.
Your personalized Course Material list, including digital and physical textbooks, are available through the SFU Bookstore website by simply entering your Computing ID at: shop.sfu.ca/course-materials/my-personalized-course-materials.
Registrar Notes:
SFU’s Academic Integrity website http://www.sfu.ca/students/academicintegrity.html is filled with information on what is meant by academic dishonesty, where you can find resources to help with your studies and the consequences of cheating. Check out the site for more information and videos that help explain the issues in plain English.
Each student is responsible for his or her conduct as it affects the university community. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the values of the university. Furthermore, it is unfair and discouraging to the majority of students who pursue their studies honestly. Scholarly integrity is required of all members of the university. http://www.sfu.ca/policies/gazette/student/s10-01.html
Students with a faith background who may need accommodations during the term are encouraged to assess their needs as soon as possible and review the Multifaith religious accommodations website. The page outlines ways they begin working toward an accommodation and ensure solutions can be reached in a timely fashion.