Suicide Pendulum

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WARNING: The bowling ball is heavy and can cause serious bodily harm. Release, DO NOT PUSH, the bowling ball away from your face. Note that it is difficult not to flinch when the ball swings towards your face. Practice this demo in advance and perform with extreme caution!

Equipment: A bowling ball suspended from the ceiling on a cable.

What it does: The bowling ball pendulum is held up to the demonstrator's face and is released. Because of conservation of energy, the ball will not swing higher than the height at which it was released (in fact, because energy is lost during the swing, the ball falls slightly short of the demonstrator's face when it completes one full period). To paraphrase Leigh, physicists believe in conservation of energy and therefore have complete confidence that if they release the ball right next to their head that the ball will swing back and stop, not continue on and smash their head. The apparent danger of having one's head smashed gives the demonstration great crowd appeal. The demonstration usually draws an audible response from the audience.

Concepts Demonstrated: Conservation of energy, demonstrated in a very dramatic manner.

Classroom assembly:

WARNING: The bowling ball is heavy and can cause serious bodily harm. Release, DO NOT PUSH, the bowling ball away from your face. Note that it is difficult not to flinch when the ball swings towards your face. Practice this demo in advance and perform with extreme caution! Care must be taken not to hit benches and other objects with the pendulum.

Setup Time: Setup time during the lecture is short. Setup time before the lecture is long (note: this setup is usually done by a technician).

Difficulty: Straightforward after practice. Setup before the lecture is somewhat involved and requires the help of a technician.

Visibility: High. This demonstration is appropriate for large lecture halls.

Related demonstrations:

References: PIRA 1D50.40

Original Construction: An eye hook was screwed into a bowling ball. The bowling ball was suspended from the ceiling by a steel cable.

Disclaimer: All demonstrations are posted for the convenience and benefit of faculty and staff in the Department of Physics at Simon Fraser University and are not intended for outside use. The author(s) assume no responsibility or liability for the use of information contained on this site. Warnings and precautionary measures listed on this site assume normal operation of equipment and are not inclusive. Demonstrations may pose a significant hazard and can, in some instances, result in death; reasonable safety precautions must be taken. Demonstrations should be performed by qualified individuals only.

Prepared by Jeff Rudd, 1999
Revised by Laura Schmidt, May 2007

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