Biennial Review Resources

This secure page contains resources pertaining to Biennial Review Process for the School of Interactive Arts & Technology including the recordings for each of the two workshops.

Examples of Biennial Review packages can be requested from: Gabriela Aceves-Sepulveda, Susan Clements-Vivian, Steve DiPaola, Andrew Hawryshkewish, Kate Hennessy, and Helmine Serban.

Biennial Review Submission Requirements

Biennial review package submissions are due on or before Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 and must be emailed to with cc'ed. MDM members please additionally cc and

Submissions are to include the following documents as .pdf or .doc/x files using the naming conventions provided replacing "TT" with your own initials.

  • 00.TT.SummaryCVLetter
  • 01.TT.CV.2023-24
  • 01.TT.CV.2023-24.Research.Creation (research creation supplement; optional)
  • 02.TT.TeachingDossier.2023-24 (2500 - 3500 words, ~1000 per section. Refer to Jan. 7, 2025 workshop)
  • 04.TT.Appendix (optional)

Biennial Review Workshop Recordings

2023/24 assesment year:

The recording for the Tuesday, January 7, 2025 Bienniel workshop can be accessed here.

The password is: 3HE=79

*the workshop begins at the 3:15 minute mark.

2022/23 assessment year:

The recording for the Tuesday, December 19, 2023 Biennial Workshop can be accessed here

The passcode is: 1$1xLW

2022/23 assesment year:

The recording for the Friday, January 5, 2024 Biennial workshop can be accessed here

The passcode is: ^QCi=&

Biennial Review Resource Materials

Teaching Dossier Guidance

FCAT Teaching Dossier reference material from Hannah McGregor

Teaching dossier reference material from the Centre for Educational Excellence

Further information on teaching dossiers can be found on the Teaching and Learning Centre website.

Guidance for Alternative CVs

Not all forms of scholarly output can be easily demonstrated in standard CV's. To aid in the understanding and creation of alternative CV formats please see the following resources.