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Data Science Laboratory for the Social Sciences STAT 311 (2)

A hands-on application of modern tools and methods for data acquisition, management, visualization, and machine learning, capable of scaling to Big Data. No prior computer programming experience required. Projects will draw from the social sciences and integrate application area insight into the analytic toolkit from STAT 310. This course may not be used to satisfy the upper division requirements of the statistics honours, major, or minor programs. Prerequisite: 60 units in subjects outside of the Faculties of Science and Applied Sciences and one of STAT 201, STAT 203, STAT 205, STAT 270, BUS 232, ECON 233, or POL 201, with a minimum grade of C-. Corequisite: STAT 310. Students who have taken STAT 240, STAT 440, or any 200-level or higher CMPT course first may not then take this course for further credit. Quantitative.